Chapter 66

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"Why are you even doing this to yourself?"

"I know it's a clue. It has to be, I know this wasn't in his cloak before."

"What are you going to do if you actually find him? What if he doesn't want to be found?"

"He must, why would he have left this if he didn't?"

"I don't know, but this is Snape, the bloody coward's probably run off to Siberia or something-"

"He is NOT a coward!" Hermione seethed with raw power. Their calm discussion suddenly taking a sharp turn. Ron had merely been concerned before but now, he'd gone and lit the wet candle inside Hermione's heart.

"Yeah?! Then where is he?" Ron's temper had flared with hers but it was nowhere near as intimidating. He'd wanted to spend the day with her. Take her out to a museum or something equally boring that he knew she liked. His breakfast in bed had gone well and he was just gathering up their things when she'd finished her shower. She hadn't come out in a long time so he'd knocked to come in. She'd let him in but his heart had sunk to find her bent back over her desk fiddling with the orb they'd found last night.

"I don't know..." Hermione's voice was sharp, "But I'll find him." She grabbed her bag from the corner of her desk, she'd packed a few things for tomorrow with the plan to look for him again using the orb they'd found. She'd figured out that it was a portkey and that the words written on the side were the way to activate it. She was so close to solving the riddle she could almost taste it. Her eyes shot straight through his chest as she gathered what was left of her confidence. She pushed herself around him and made her way to the front door with him scrambling to catch up. He didn't understand, but she didn't need him to. She had to do this for her if there was any chance of her moving on.

Ron had only a few seconds to process that she was actually leaving. His heart thumped against his chest with fear before regret twisted his words into something that would hopefully make her stay, "Please...can we not do this... it's your birthday today..."

"I know..." Hermione sniffled keeping her back to him. "I'm-I'm just going to go over to Harry and Ginny's until tonight...I...I just need to clear my head..."

"I'm sorry... please... Don't go..."

Hermione blinked back the tears coming to her eyes, "Just a little while okay...? I'll be back..." Even she didn't fully believe her words. Her confidence was waning, fickle and broken as it was.

"I'll be here..." Ron hung his head. "I love you..."

" too..." Hermione sniffled softly and wiped under her nose heading towards the door. She would be back. She always came back. Who else would have her? She needed answers, it was who she was. At least, that's who she remembered herself to be.


"Oh, my gosh..." Hermione had let herself into Harry's house when he hadn't answered her knock. He'd told her many times that she didn't need any reason to come over, that she was always welcome. She had used that privilege but hadn't expected what the door would open up to.

Beautiful magically floating fairy lights that shined down in a rainbow of gorgeous colors lined the entrance way leading all the way up to the stairs, she could see a banner as well draped over the landing reading: Happy Birthday Hermione. It was beautifully printed and seemed to sparkle on its own. As she came in further she could see a large two-tiered cake with white icing and strawberries all around the edges sitting under a preservation charm. It looked half finished with its decoration but her mouth was already watering to try it.

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