Chapter 84

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"There must be something..." Hermione spoke into the mattress beneath her father's hand. She'd taken to the opposite side, leaving her mother to rest. She hadn't tried to wake her but she had done what she could to make her comfortable; taking a spare blanket from the room's closet and covering her up before reclining the chair to allow her to rest more deeply. Her heart felt marginally calmer knowing that her mother would know who she was; she was certain she'd seen a small spark of recognition in her eyes before they'd rolled closed.

Now sitting down on a small doctors chair, she rested her forehead against the back of her father's bruised hand. Her own held it close, willing the connection between them to do something. She wanted to do something, anything to help him. Her fingers lightly smoothed over his wedding band and her brain ticked unexpectedly back to what Severus had said to the nurse. She lifted her head from the mattress, sniffling heavily, her face red from her tears.

"Husband huh?" Her mouth formed an odd grin, like a contorted drama and comedy mask, it twisted between light humor and unfathomable grief. She could feel her mind slowly snapping, like the threads breaking on a taut rope.

Severus turned towards her when she spoke, his foot knocking over her bag that she'd carelessly left on the floor. He didn't immediately see the clear vial that rolled out but his ears did pick up the distinct sound. Presently, he was looking through her father's chart trying to understand what exactly had happened to him. Every attempt he'd made to run a magical diagnostic had resulted in mixed unintelligible readings. The machines keeping him alive—he theorized—were interfering with his magic. He tilted his head a little when she started to chuckle, his brow furrowing deeper when that small bit of humor quickly melted into another round of tears. He was just about to console her when her anger hit him full force like a lory.

"What good is all this magic if I can't even save someone I love!" Hermione had pulled her wand free when she came to her feet. Severus had warned her not to attempt any magic on her father while he was in this state but she didn't care any longer. She had to do something. She'd just spent the last hour listening to Severus' excuses for why nothing magical should be attempted but she didn't want to believe him. She knew spells to heal the bones, repair cuts and bruises, why couldn't she use them now?!

"Expelliamus." Severus caught her wand in his hand with a sharp snap, her helpless rage turning onto him. "Hermione-"

"No! I don't w-ant to hear it!" Hermione was heaving now, caught somewhere between sadness and anger, the ambivalence fighting for control over her face, breaking her voice, "Us? Them? They made me. I am them." Hermione came around the edge of the bed about to give him another ear full that he most certainly didn't deserve when her foot knocked into the potion that had fallen free from her bag, sending it rolling across the floor and under one of the counters along the wall. Hermione gave it only a cursory glance, her mind in too many directions to possibly process the implications.

Severus met her halfway, having tucked her wand hastily into the inner pocket of his jacket before she had a chance to retrieve it, "Hermione." His voice was firm but kind. He caught her by the arms with a bit more force than he normally would have and grunted when her fist hit his chest with impressive force. Just like the night, she had punched him square in the nose; she rained down all her anger and frustration. Though this time her hits became more desperate than actual intent on doing damage. He held her still, letting her release what she couldn't find the words to express.

When her lashes turned to searching hands, desperately pulling at his still partially open jacket, he lowered his head down to try and meet her eyes, "This isn't about that. He's in a coma, even the magical world can do nothing for that..."

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