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Camila's pov

To QueenDinah;

Whaddup DJ? Can we call or facetime? I'm bored

From QueenDinah;

Who is this? Do I know you? I'm not a DJ...

To not-QueenDinah;

Guess my friend didn't get her own number right..

I'm sorry, I'm Camila

From not-QueenDinah;

Ohh okay, no problem. I'm Y/n

You think she did that on purpose or did she just mess up?

To Y/n;

I guess she messed up. She is a mess to be honest hahha..

From Y/n;

Well nice to meet you Camila, I hope you find her actual number soon..

To Y/n;

I'll just text Lauren

From Y/n;


To Y/n;

Oh, I'm stupid

That's another friend

From Y/n;

Well I could've guessed that tho ;)

To Y/n;

Would you mind if I saved your number? I've liked talking to you so far


To Y/n;

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound creepy

From Y/n;

No no, don't go!

My mom asked for my help

Where are you from?

To Y/n:

From Cuba, but I live in Miami ;)

From Y/n;

Cool! I live in Miami as well actually

To Y/n;

Wait really? That's awesome.

Makes sense now I think about it, she didn't mess up the area code

From Y/n;

Oh right, we have that. Let's just pretend it was coincidental. Sounds cooler

To Y/n;

Okay sure weirdo

From Y/n;

We're calling each other names already huh, I see, I see

To Y/n;

Camila/you imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now