Five reasons I hate you

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Your pov

I get along with pretty much everyone from High School, but I'm not striking. I have about two actual good friends, teachers don't have a problem with me, and the rest I simply haven't talked to. There is only one girl I don't like or hate. Camila Cabello. We're both seniors and for some reason, I've shared 70% of all my High School classes with her. I've known Camila since we were f years old. She lives about a block away and went to the same elementary and middle school too. So, there are about five reasons why I hate her.

The first thing that led to me not liking her, happened in first grade. I was drawing the best picture I had ever drawn. I really tried my best drawing my family. It had my parents on it, my older sister Lucia, my twin brother David and me. I even drew our family dog Bailey in our backyard, with the treehouse in the big oak tree. "That's really pretty, Y/n! Is that your whole family?" My teacher asked. My face lit up at her compliment, it made me even more proud. "Yes, it is! And that's my dog and our treehouse!" I exclaimed happily. When I was finally finished with my drawing, it was lunch time. My school was in a Latin area, so most kids spoke Spanish, I spoke it just a little bit. There was this new girl, Karla Camila Cabello, who just moved from some Spanish country. I believe Mexico? Or Cuba maybe? She walked over to me with her grape juice, and I saw her eying my drawing. "Do you like my drawing?" I asked. "Qué?" She asked. Oh, right. She didn't speak English. "Uhm... Te gusta mi dibujo?" I tried. I looked at the girl and saw her smiling and nodding, meaning she liked it. She bent over a little look at it better, but accidentally dropped a little bit of juice. I saw the stain and almost started crying. I looked at her with a semi-angry face (also just looking sad) but I saw her sad face too. "My drawing...." I whined. "Lo siento!" She said. "Lo siento mucho!" I know she was sorry, but I couldn't help being a little angry at her. After this I was very cautious about keeping my drawings away from juices boxes. And Camila. But two weeks later she bumped into me, again by accident, and made me spill my own juice. Me being a stubborn six-year-old decided she wasn't my friend.

Reason number two had to do with my twin brother David. My brother was a very social guy and played with all the boy and girls from our class. Every day he and some classmate were running through our house. All through elementary I didn't have a lot of friends. A few of David's girl friends played with me as well, when they were at our house, but I mostly followed them quietly when they were roaming through our large yard. Camila was a really good friend of David and they played at each other's houses at least twice a week. I still didn't want to talk to her, but I was slightly offended that she was all happy and goofy around my brother but didn't play with me. That slowly made back away from her even more.

Throughout Middle and High School, Camila made so many friends. She instantly had a group of four girls around her, and the rest adored her. I had made some friends in Middle School. Especially Lauren was pretty close with me, but we drifted away, and she became friends with Camila. Another reason for me to hate her. Even my own friends turned their backs to me and went to Camila. The teachers loved her more, because she always answered questions in class. I knew the answers too, and my grades were slightly higher, but I wasn't active in class. When people had to choose teams in PE, people always chose Camila as one of the first, when I was chosen last. I know I'm not a great ballgame player, but I wasn't that bad. Even my brother seemed to prefer Camila sometimes. I know he loves me, and we are very close, but at school he kind of ignores me sometimes.

Reason four? It's basically the same as three. Everyone loves Camila. They either want to date her or be her. She used the dating part. Her first boyfriend was the popular boy of our middle school; Jason. They didn't last long, but about three months after, the next boy was lucky. About every six months there was a new boyfriend. Sometimes it took longer, sometimes it was just one 'date'. But here I was. Eighteen years old now, but never had a boyfriend and never even kissed. Well, I had been kissed once, at a party. But I'm pretty sure the guy lost a bet. She had had around ten boyfriends, so I was pretty far behind on her. It's just hard to see others being all lovey dovey in school. Gross even. To me at least. David has had about three girlfriends as well, but that didn't bother me, I was happy for him mostly. And it's different, he's my brother. I'm not saying I think she's a slut. Not at all, I'm just... Jealous? I don't know...

Reason five. The biggest reason. The big reason I hate Camila is because I love her. I can't stop looking at her. I get lost in those beautiful big brown eyes every time I stare at her from a distance. Her dark brown locks look so soft, her tiny, tan body looks so huggable. Her lips so kissable. I've never seen a girl more beautiful than Camila. I hate her because she is the sweetest person I know, always looking out for others and she is just perfect. I hate her because all my reasons fade the second I look at her. They instantly sound stupid, and they are. She said sorry for ruining my drawings, so many times. She begged me to forgive her and talk to her. I just pretended she wasn't there. The cute little Cuban-Mexican just gave up after a while. She didn't play with me but with my brother, because I still ignored her and didn't take effort to play with them. Too shy to look at her. I hated that she had so many friends, because I wanted to be her friend. I wanted that but couldn't push myself to talk to her. My brother tried so many times. While other kids chose me when only the worst players were left, Camila always chose me pretty early. She never waited too long but got me in her team as soon as the best players were gone. Still wasn't first, but maybe third. Another reason vanished into thin air, when I think about it. I didn't like any of her boyfriends. They only used her to be popular and their friends would look at them highly. Her latest two boyfriends cheated on her. The dickheads. Why would you cheat on a girl like that. I hate her for the boyfriends because I want to be with her. Date her. Hold her. Kiss her. I've been in love with her since I was fifteen. I just pushed it back.

She doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. I'm looking at her, longing for her. And I hate her. I hate her, because I love her, and she'll never be mine.



Oh hey i'm back. I'm sorry this sucks, I tried...


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