Look at me

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Your pov

Yesterday was a very busy day. I had meetings all day long and haven't had a good night of sleep for a while. That might be my fault partly. I let Camila keep me up at night. Can't help my wife is hot though.

But, yeah. I woke up pretty grumpy today and I don't really feel like brightening up my mood. So I got out of bed, and saw Camila was still asleep, which is great because I don't want to wake her up, especially not when I probably won't be fun to talk to. I slowly walked into our bathroom, got out of my clothes and took a nice long shower. When I got back to our room, she was still sleeping, so I grabbed panties and a robe before sneaking out again.

In the kitchen I grabbed some coffee, and decided against breakfast for now. Maybe in a few hours. Seeing it was only 9am, I don't expect my wife to wake up soon. She is even less of a morning person. It's pretty warm outside already, not that weird in Miami, but still, so I laid down in the hammock I placed last week. Personally I had no problem with the thing, but Camila fell out literally every time she tried. She gave up after five times though, and only got in if I helped her. I gave in to my sleepiness and drifted off.

"Y/n!! Where are you." I woke up hearing the voice of my wife. She sounded pissed, probably because she couldn't find me. "I'm here babe"

"Damnit where?" I guess I should go to her.

"Calm down, baby." She slightly jumped when I touched her shoulders. She didn't see or hear me walk towards her. Soon after, she relaxed into my touch, turning around and hugging me. "I couldn't find you..." She said in her baby voice, with a pout on her face. I smiled at her and kissed the pout away. "I just took a nap in the hammock, Mila."

The nap and the cuteness of my wife definitely helped, but I wasn't quite there yet. I got back inside and made another coffee. I felt Camila burning holes in my head, so I made her tea and got her a banana. "Thank you." She said, kissing me on the cheek. I sat on the couch with my coffee, and picked up a book, not paying attention to Camila at all. That's one thing she couldn't stand, and I knew it, but just didn't care at this moment. I saw her grabbing a random paper and she started drawing some shit. She's such a child sometimes. But I love her. After about fifteen minutes of peaceful quiet time for me, she held up her drawing, looking like an excited 6-year-old, "Y/n look!" I glanced her way for a second, furrowing my eyebrows. I had no idea what her drawing was. I laughed at her face. She was so excited, but closed her mouth and frowned when she saw me laughing at her. "You don't like it?" She said sadly. "What is it?" Yup, that made her annoyed. She put her drawing down again and furiously started drawing again. At least I would be able to read again.

This time she took thirty minutes. "Y/n." I was still reading, this part was of the book was nerve-wracking and I had to finish it. "Y/n." She said again. I still didn't finish. I had two more pages. "Y/n, look I finished it." "It looks great, babe." I said, without looking up. "You didn't even look up." I could just hear her pout. "I'm sorry, I'm almost done reading."

"Y/n look at me..." She did stop for five minutes, but I had like twenty lines left. "Pleaseee" I was almost giving in, not quite yet though. I looked up when she moved my book and sat on my lap. She started kissing my neck, and slowly grinded against my hips. "Fuck it..." I mumbled, and just read the last two lines before putting my book away. Camila pulled back and I groaned, missing the contact already.

"Now that I have your attention, look. It's me and you!" She turned innocent again. She knew exactly how to get my attention. By turning me on, might I add. I sighed and just gave in. "I know it's not great, but can you at least see which one is you?" She looked at me pleadingly, really hoping I liked it. "That one is you right? With the sundress, the long dark wavy hair, signature bow." She smiled at me, "Yeah" I kissed her, I couldn't resist that adorable face. "So what where the points you focused on with mine?" I asked. "Clothes mostly... I can't really draw other specific things..." I knew that. She writes and draws like a child, she can be just as innocent as well. But then she also has her moments where she is everything but innocent, like the little move to get my attention. "I love it Mila. I love you Mila." The bright smile was all I needed.

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