Could this work?

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Camila's pov

Just one more week before college starts again. It feels like our summer vacation had just started but sadly, that's not true. I've spent most of my summer vacation with my best friend, like we always do. Dinah and I are going out tonight, checking out the clubs that are way nicer than the ones in our home towns.

"Walz, hurry up! I wanna go already." Dinah yelled from our dorm. "I'm coming, just a second!" I said. I finish up the last of my make-up and fix my hair again before walking out of the bathroom. "Finally. Come on now! We're going to have an awesome night!".

As we walk through the city we come across this huge club that looks packed. I can feel Dinah's eyes on me, and I already know she won't give up on this one. "Mila, let's go to this one?" "You won't change your mind, will ya?" She shakes her head and I smile at her. "Let's go then!" I say and pull Dinah with me towards the line.

With every step we take, the music grows louder and as soon as we're in Dinah pushes through the crowd and pulls me towards the bar. The bartender bends over to hear Dinah and I can barely make out what she's screaming, "Four tequila shots, please." After checking Dinah's age, we get our shots. "Dinah, seriously!" "Come on, Chancho. Everyone here is way further, we gotta catch up!"

And that's how I got tipsy pretty fast.

After Dinah got to the dance floor, someone took a seat next to me. "Can I get you something to drink?" Some raspy voice said next to me. I looked up and saw this breathtaking woman that couldn't be much older than me. Her y/e/c eyes looked straight into mine, as if she could read my deepest secrets. "Y-yeah, of course. I'm Camila." "Nice to meet you Camila, I'm Y/n." She got me some kind of cocktail and we started talking.

"So, Camila. How old are you if I may ask?" "You may." I say with a grin on my face, "I'm 21, this is the first time my friend and I both got in." She flashed me a beautiful smile after continuing our conversation. "But where is that friend of yours? You've been sitting alone way too long for a girl as beautiful as you." She stated. She's actually flirting with me? What are the chances the first person you talk to happens to be one beautiful lesbian. "So, you've been watching me, huh... She's dancing with some guy I think. At least she was." "So, do you work in the city?" She asked. "Yeah, I do actually. I work at a restaurant. What do you do? How old are you anyways?" I actually forgot to ask her age, I'm stupid. "No, I work already. I just turned 26. I'm starting my first teaching job after the summer."

Our conversation went so easy, we spent most of the night at the bar talking. She shares a lot of my opinions and it's crazy how similar we think. She has been flirting with me all night, and after a wink from Dinah and a mouthed 'get it girl' I finally got the courage to flirt back. To my surprise I didn't ruin it, like I normally do. Moments later I found her glancing from my eyes to my lips, as we both slowly leaned in. I felt electricity as our lips touched, and she pulled me closer as she deepened the kiss. The kiss grew more heated by the second and when we stopped for air the big question came; "Do you want to take this to my apartment?" I only nodded and shot Dinah a text, saying that I'd see her tomorrow.

She opened her door and pulled me in as fast as possible. Y/n shoved me against the door as it banged close. The kiss was extremely heated and filled with lust, she soon picked me up by my thighs as I wrapped my legs around her waist. "Bedroom" She breathed out, while looking at me. Just like moments ago, I could only nod, but that was the confirmation she needed.

Clothes were all over the room as I laid down next to Y/n after multiple rounds. She lovingly looked at me as our eyes locked and she scooted closer. I wrapped my arm around her waist and looked at her with a questioned look, "Is this okay?" She flashed me as smile and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. "Yeah" She said, before we both drifted off.


After spending most of my week with both Dinah and Y/n, it's sadly time to go back to college. Y/n and I actually got along pretty good, and we even had our first date. Who would've thought it wasn't just a one-night-stand?

Dinah and I walked to class talking about everything and sat down in the back. We didn't really pay attention as something was said about a new professor. "Girls in the back, please pay attention!" The same old guy said. I reached down to get my stuff when Dinah stomped me. "Mila!" She whisper-yelled. "Ow! Why DJ?" "Look at the new professor, you're so in trouble, girl!" She whispered again. I looked up and my eyes widened. This can't be happening... Are you kidding me!

"Hello class, I'm your new English Literature professor. I'm professor Y/l/n, and I'm 26 years old. This is my first year teaching, but I promise you, I won't go easy on you guys. Anyone talks, texts or does whatever to distract anyone, and I'll make sure you won't do it again. You kids understand? Great." Even though she sounds hot like that, it doesn't sound like the Y/n I know. I can't believe this is life right now. I finally find someone I genuinely like, and guess what? She my damn professor. Out of pure frustration I put my head on my desk.


Your pov

As I'm looking around class to see if anyone goes against my statement, I see this girl not paying attention at all. I sigh and raise my voice, "Miss. You in the back, with the head on the desk. Not paying attention might even be worse than talking." As the girl slowly lifts her head, I have to hold in a gasp. Holy shit. Camila. The girl I've spent the past week with. The girl is asked to be my girlfriend. The girl I'm starting to fall for. I clear my throat and speak up again while looking straight at her. "I'd like to have a word with you after class." And I looked away from her sad eyes, because I can't handle seeing her sad.

"You're still in college Mila?! Why didn't you tell me!" I walked across the room while frowning. I can't look at her. I can't fall for her now.

"I'm so sorry Y/n... I didn't think it would make a difference." I sit down on my desk and just now see how close to crying she is. "Mila..." I walk over to her and wipe the single tear off her cheek. I hug her and hold her close. I just can't see Camila hurt, her brown doe eyes glassy from tears, and the pout as she tries not to break down.

"Are you going to break up with me?" She asked with more tears running down her beautiful face. I couldn't bare it anymore, so I kissed her. I just kissed her. "We're going to figure this out Mila, you and me together."



So... hi? I'm sorry I'm taking so long... There's just so little inspiration and I'm not creative at all.. part 2? Or new idea...

I'm going to re-write the other story on my page, it doesn't have much views, but i'll post the new first chapter soon. I hope you'll check it out :) 


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