Wanting the unavailable

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There she is again. The same café, the same booth, facing the same way, every single Wednesday and Friday. It's become a habit, watching this girl sipping her Banana Yogurt Frappuccino, which she always orders. Just like it's most likely a habit of hers to be here. I noticed her being a regular after four weeks, I noticed she never changed drink after only two. Normally I don't really notice the customers, as I'm mindlessly taking orders. But this girl. This girl is a masterpiece. Her dark-brown hair, flowing over her shoulders, those deep-brown imposing eyes, always pulling my gaze towards her. I simply can't get enough.

"Hi there, stranger, how can I help you today?" I messed with her a little, like I always do. She knows I work here, and I always take her order. We're not on first-name basis yet, though. Or well, she knows mine, but I don't know hers. So, for me it's just Banana girl or Mystery girl.

"Hey Y/n, just the regular plus an iced coffee and two muffins." That's a first. She never orders more than one drink, multiple muffins aren't something unusual, but the drinks. I glance over to her usual spot and see this guy sitting on her spot. He's a little paler than her but has brown hair and brown eyes as well. After four months, this is the first time she isn't alone.

"Yeah, of course. Not drinking alone today?"

"Hard to believe huh, me having company. But you're right, my friend Shawn is joining me today." Shawn. Sounds a bit cocky to me.

"Ah cool." I said, while getting her order ready. When I had them done we said simple goodbyes and she strolled over to 'her' booth. Mystery girl and Shawn started laughing soon after and they didn't stop talking and goofing around. I got a weird feeling watching them. I can't explain it, but it's not a nice feeling. I couldn't help but cringe every time she leaned on him, laughing. Or when they looked at each other so lovingly.

And then they hugged. And I kind of lost it. I accidentally dropped the mug I just cleaned and suddenly a lot of eyes were on me. I saw Mystery girl looking shocked with a look on a face, which looked like concern. I saw my coworkers walking towards me, so I started cleaning up as fast as I could. When I looked up again, she stood right in front of me. "Hey, you okay?" "Y-yeah I'm fine, just slipped from my hands." I couldn't look her in the eyes. I'm in way too deep, I'm more than crushing on this girl and I don't even know her first name. I could feel her eyes on me for a bit, so I glanced up. "Well, uhm. Goodbye Y/n." For some reason she almost looked sad. "See you on Friday for your Banana Yogurt Frappuccino." I flashed her a weak smile, which she returned before going off with Shawn. Let's hope this won't become a thing, it's never been this awkward between her and I. We always have a fun conversation when she orders, then I bring her her stuff and we chat some more, and then when she pays we talk and flirt some more.


Two weeks later she was still bringing Shawn. I've talked with her, but it remained a bit awkward. I'm the one who makes it awkward tho, she's not the blame for that. I can barely look her in her eyes, too scared to fall even further. But I can't, not if she has a boyfriend and probably isn't even gay.

"Hey Y/n! You still there?" I looked up and saw her standing in front of me. Shawn was already in the booth, as always. "The regular?" I asked. "Yeah"

I still hadn't built up the courage to ask for her name, but I really should. I knew what the boy's name was, and he came like five months later than her. "I was just thinking," I began. She looked up at me, waiting for me to continue. "I still don't know your name..." She smiled up at me, "Camila. I'm honestly impressed you waited this long to ask. But nice to officially meet you Y/n." She lifted her hand for me to shake. "I love that name, it fits you. And the honor is mine, Camila." When I grabbed her hand to shake it, some type of energy went through our touch. We looked in each other's eyes and it looked like she glanced at my lips. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, your boyfriend must feel lonely by now." I said, realizing Shawn was still waiting on Camila and his drink. Camila. I finally knew her name. "Oh he's not my boyfriend, Shawn's totally gay. Me too to be honest, so just best friends it is." She chuckled, like it was the craziest thing for me to think that. But this means I have chance. "But you're right. I should probably give him his coffee." We both looked at the booth and Shawn saw us looking so she waved. I gave him a subtle smile and Camila slowly walked towards him. "See you later Y/n!" She said happily, and that made me happy as well. "Bye Camila."

When my shift finished, I spotted Camila sitting outside the café. "Hey there, stranger. What are you still doing here?" I asked her. She jumped slightly, before looking up. "I was actually wondering if we could have lunch sometime? You really seem like a nice person." That's definitely not what I expected. I had learned her name today, and that was already more than I could dream of. It's like she waited on me to ask that. "Yeah, sure! I'd love to, Camila." Her face lit up after that.

The lunch was perfect. We never stopped talking and there wasn't any awkwardness at all time. We came across the subject of Shawn and her being gay pretty fast, so I decided to tell her about me being bisexual. There was a lot of LGBT talk after that, but then we shifted to completely different topics.

Then we went on dinners, which turned into dates. Dates turned into being girlfriends, who would've thought I would get that girl to agree to that. Did I get more? I certainly got more. Three years later we were engaged and lived together. Our parents loved each other and always seemed to hang out as well. When we got married, our lives only began. As this was a new chapter for u both, and the beginning of our new book. What seemed like wanting the unavailable, turned out to be the best thing to happen to me.



I feel like this chapter is the worst yet (also pretty short), but I wanted to post something because the story hit 1K! Thanks guys!


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