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the three boys changed into some more comfier clothes that were suitable for the beach, and they took off.

michael was a little bit in front of the other two, not caring that it was already late and pretty dark. however, calum knew that luke was afraid of the dark, despite being embarrassed about it. he looked over at the blonde, who was fidgeting with his fingers nervously and looking around with slight fear in his eyes. calum reached over for luke's hand and gave it a small squeeze, rubbing his thumb over the other boy's knuckles. luke blushed, and shot him a small, but grateful smile. it made the maori boy's stomach fill with butterflies at the sight.

once michael stopped in front of the cave and turned around, he noticed his two friends holding hands. the galaxy haired boy smirked at the both of them, while they responded with burning cheeks and a "fuck off."

"whatever, don't fuck out here while i'm gone," michael winked at the both of them, and he saw the two flush red again, despite how dark it was.

he shook his head in amusement, and entered the cave. he was surprised that he could see clearly inside, despite how dark it was. it was probably the crystals on the ceiling giving off light. for some reason, he didn't think it was weird.

once inside, he took off his slippers and sat down at the edge where the pool was, making his legs half submerged in the water. 

he was beginning to lose hope that the mysterious stranger would come back again. he decided to text calum that he could go if he wanted to.

to: calsucc

you and luke can head back if you want, i'll be fine

from: calsucc

okay, stay safe x

to: calsucc 

will do, have fun with hemmings ;)

from: calsucc

fuck you

michael scoffed, putting his phone back into his pocket. he was contemplating whether or not to go back, since it was getting really late, that was, until he felt something- no- someone grab his feet.

"what the fuck!?" michael shouted, getting both of his legs out of the water as fast as he could.

he heard a small (but very manly, of course) shriek, and the familiar splashes he heard yesterday were back again.

tentatively, the galaxy haired boy spoke,"it's okay, i'm not gonna hurt you."

the stranger peeked from behind the same rock he hid behind before, cautiously swimming closer to the pretty boy with green eyes and plump lips and-

"can you tell me your name?" ashton's voice suddenly got cut off as soon he heard his voice.

his voice is heavenly, ashton thought, i wouldn't mind hearing it everyday.

"m-my name is ashton," he tried to refrain himself from saying prince of lesgrove, used to the introduction from the numerous balls the irwin family had. however, he didn't want to let the stranger know that he was royalty.

"nice name, i'm michael," he said. 

"o-okay," ashton mumbled, averting his eyes from his gaze. he was afraid he'd be sucked into them forever.

the boy hummed, continuing to study the mer-prince in front of him. ashton noticed and gulped, trying to keep his nerves down to a minimum. wanting to break the silence, but mostly just trying to satisfy his curiosity, he asked, "w-what are t-these?" while caressing his hand over michael's leg, all the way down to his feet.

michael shivered, "it's, um, legs, don't you have them?"

ashton didn't answer the question, instead continuing to caress the pale legs of the stranger.

"how do you use them?"

"you, uh, use them to walk and stuff? like travel to places on land?" michael was very concerned for the boy in front of him, has he been closed off from the world since birth?

and holy shit, ashton was amazed at what was in front of him. he wanted legs of his own too. but, he just didn't know how. he mentally reminded himself to go and read up about it in the grand library tomorrow morning. but first, he had to make sure that michael stayed, he wanted the boy with pretty green eyes and galaxy colored hair boy to help him, as he didn't trust any other human obviously. but maybe, just maybe, he wanted to befriend the boy too.

"w-will you promise me something?" ashton felt a tad embarrassed, he seemed like he was too dependent on the human.

"hmm?" michael tapped his fingers against the ledge, waiting for what ashton has to say.

"promise you'll come back tomorrow?"

and with those hazel eyes staring at him with such hope and excitement, he couldn't bring himself to say no. not like he was planning to, anyway.

"i promise," michael said, holding out his pinky in front of him.

ashton furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "what are you doing?"

the human in front of him giggled, fucking giggled, and the prince swore he could die right then and there from how fucking cute it sounded.

"it's a pinky promise, whenever you make a promise and you cross your pinkies together, you can never break that promise."

ashton smiled, and crossed his pinkies with michael. he loved how soft the boy's hands were.

"i'll see you tomorrow, ash," michael said with a smile, as he got up and dusted off his shorts.

ashton's heart fluttered at the nickname, and he felt the heat rise to his cheeks, "y-yeah, tomorrow."

i hope you like this bcs i wrote this in the back of a truck with like 7 other of my family members and it was very cramped -lynn

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