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it's been a whole week, and despite visiting their cove everyday, there was still no sign of ashton.

to say that michael was worried would be an understatement, the merman was always the first to arrive out of the two. hell, he was practically beaming in excitement whenever michael came in either 20 minutes or a whole hour later.

the cheerfulness and innocent curiosity was already affecting michael in a positive way, he even started to become a little bit more nicer to calum and luke. and for that to be ripped away in just the next day took a huge toll on his attitude. 

sure, maybe he was acting a bit overdramatic, but he couldn't help it. he was practically infatuated with the boy, even if they only known each other for about a week. of course he was going to be worried about the boy he has a crush on!

calum and luke noticed his weird behavior instantly when they all drove to school the next monday. they didn't ask of course, the two already knew michael had no other things going on in his life besides ashton. 

it was a bit embarrassing that his friends caught on so quickly, but at the end michael was merely grateful that they offered their support instead of teasing the pale boy about it.

maybe he was overreacting a bit, maybe it was just a busy week for ashton right now. 


he was wrong.

it's been three months since he last saw or heard from ashton, and yet he was still visiting their cove everyday like he was going to show up out of the blue.

michael doesn't lose hope though, he still plans on showing up to the cove everyday in hopes of the merman being there. 

losing hope was not an option. he full on refused to accept the fact that ashton was probably never going to come back. atleast, not for a while. it was always something that luke would say, but he pretended not to hear anything, or just stuck his headphones in whenever luke would try to console him. michael knew that the blond boy was only trying to help his friend, seeing that he is also very sensitive himself and is always willing to help people through their problems. it was great really, but he refused to listen because he was still convinced that ashton will come back. he just will.

michael was silent the whole drive home after school. luckily, neither calum nor luke made an effort to talk to him, because he was honestly not in the mood right now. looking out of the window, the rain droplets were starting to fall and was rolling down in a race on the back window. his focus on the tiny droplets were interrupted when his music started buffering, probably meaning they were near his house because his signal sucked. 

the galaxy haired boy was shocked when he saw calum and luke holding hands near the stick shift by the time he looked up from his phone. however, his initial shock eventually went away, instead replaced with a small smug smile. he wasn't really surprised that it happened anyway, he was just glad that they finally saw through their pining from the 7th grade.

however, it did make him feel a bit guilty. he was too caught up in his own problems that he always dismissed his best friend's own. it was understandable that they probably didn't want to tell michael yet until the whole situation with ashton was resolved or atleast died down.

as soon as calum pulled up to the front of michael's house, he muttered a quick 'see you on monday' before departing. the pale boy could feel the concerned gaze from luke trailing his tall figure, but michael never looked back.

dropping his backpack on the small table in front of the couch, he went to the bathroom to calm down and splash some cold water on his face to get him out of his stupor. 

michael sighed, running his fingers through his now fading galaxy hair. well, he should probably do something with his life other than doing half-assed homework and moping over ashton. what he needed was a distraction.

going with whatever he had, michael searched through the cabinets of his bathroom for any unused hair dye or a bottle that was half-way full. what? he likes to shop for new colors when he's bored and he just got paid. 

the only hair dye that he had left was pink, since he didn't bother to go out and buy any new ones since ashton went missing.

picking up the dye, he examined the directions and the color that was shown through the transparent bottle. will ashton like this color? what will he think? would he say it was stupid?

well, hopefully it was a positive reaction. who knows, maybe ashton will show up tomorrow to see how it looks.

getting to work, he carefully followed the directions on the bottle, not wanting his scalp to burn for being careless with the bleach.


three days soon turned into four months, now it's a whole year later and ashton still never showed up to their spot.

michael is about close to giving up now, feeling very hopeless and lost about whether ashton was really about to come back.

sometimes, he really wished that he could breathe underwater just to see what the hell was going on. he needed to know if ashton was okay, it was eating up his brain because there was no way of contacting him whatsoever. 

calum and luke were constantly at his house, ensuring that he doesn't do anything stupid like try to jump in the water where he can barely swim. most of their time was spent being there for their friend, cuddling and consoling him while michael was ranting about how much he cared for ashton.

you may think it's weird for michael to be so hung up on a boy that he just met in the span of a week. but the thing is, it's rare for michael to have romantic feelings towards anyone. sure, he lost his virginity and kissed a few girls, but he didn't necessarily feel anything towards them.

ashton was different. from his bubbly personality to his innocence and curiosity towards new things, it made all new feelings arise from within michael whenever they hung out. it was a different experience and it all felt very new and weird to him, but the pale boy found that he didn't mind. 

was it love? michael didn't know. all he knew was that ashton made him feel something special, and he never wanted to let that go. 


kind of a filler, kind of not.

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