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it was already late into the evening when michael and ashton finally decided to go back to the cove. the two boys didn't want to leave each other, wanting to bask in each other's company and share their prizes with each other. but, ashton didn't want to risk staying longer or even spend the night. his parents would be looking for him all night and day.

michael wished ashton could stay longer. the thought of him walking alone tonight made a heavy feeling in his stomach weigh him down. 

there was a comfortable silence between the two as ashton started to strip down. the pale boy made sure not to stare too much, not wanting to get any other fantasies in his head.

it made michael want to laugh pathetically at himself. only a week has passed and he was catching feelings already? it was honestly a new record for him.

but his feelings for the merman felt different. it wasn't like the childish crush he had on a girl from his 3rd grade class who gave him chocolate for his birthday. it wasn't the same feeling he got when he had his first kiss in 7th grade at a shitty middle school dance. nor was it the same when he had his first boyfriend at the beginning of freshman year.

this was different, he knew. all of the emotions he's feeling, michael never felt about anyone like this ever. and for it to come rushing by in a week? it was a little overwhelming for him, to be honest.

lost in his thoughts again, he didn't register ashton calling out to him until the galaxy haired boy felt water being splashed over him.

"are you alright?" the merprince giggled. michael's heart fluttered at the sound.

"yeah, i'm fine ash," he said nonchalantly, crouching down to where the merman was already in the small pool, his tail fully grown back.

"are you sure? you look a bit.. off," the merriment of joy on his face was wiped clean, now replaced by a concerned frown and a slight pout on his lips.

michael smiled, trying to reassure ashton, "i promise ash, everything is fine."

the latter frowned, still not entirely convinced. he was still a bit wary about michael, but he didn't want to intrude and ask what was wrong. instead, he reached out, enough to the extent that the human couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to.

extending his arm out, his elbow brushing against michael's knee, ashton slowly extended his pinky finger out.

"pinky promise?"

and michael couldn't fucking believe he met this goddamn ray of sunshine. he looked so innocent and genuinely concerned that it made the pale boy want to wrap him in a ton of blankets, cuddle him, and tell him that everything is going to be okay. 

instead, michael sighed, an exasperated but fond smile on his lips as he intertwined his pinky with ashton's, "i pinky promise, ash."

the merprince beamed, his hazel eyes shining like his water kissed skin. ashton heaved himself up, his torso leaning forward almost out of the water. as swift as the last time, he kissed michael's cheek softly, leaning back and giving another small, but bashful smile.

the galaxy haired boy's brain short-circuited, cheeks flushing a light pink at the sudden affection that welled from ashton. 

'is this gonna be a normal thing now?' he thought, not really minding if it was.

he was snapped out of his slight daze as he heard the water shift slightly. 

"i'll see you tomorrow," ashton said, a soft lilt in his voice.

"yeah, see you," michael grinned, his heart beat slightly going faster than usual once he saw ashton give another one of his small smile, accompanied by a little wave.

once the merman disappeared, the human sighed, "god i am so fucked."


something was wrong.

ashton knew it from the moment he stepped (or swam, rather) back on the castle grounds. there was nothing out of the ordinary, but the merprince had an uneasy feeling in his gut on the way to his room.

the eerily silence in the castle wasn't helping with his paranoia either. 

sighing softly, ashton made his way towards his room. he was disappointed that ryan wasn't there to greet him, usually his best friend would be done with his duties, and he was always there either taking a nap on the prince's bed or waiting for ashton to come back. 

crawling under the covers, he tried to push the negative thoughts out of his mind, replacing it with memories with michael as he fell into a deep sleep. 


we LOVE a filler. 


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