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it was the early morning, and michael groaned as his alarm went off. he clumsily turned off the alarm on his phone, and slowly got out of bed to go get ready for school. 

it was a tuesday, which means that he had his history test today, making michael internally groan. he hated that he had mr. halls at the end of the day, as the man always made the class stay back after the bell rang if they didn't finish their tests. to make matters worse, michal's mind was so pre-occupied with ashton that he didn't even bother to study. 

he heard a honk outside, making michael jump before flipping calum off, even though the boy couldn't see him. he slung his backpack over his shoulder and quickly made it to the backseat of calum's car. 

"why does luke get to call shotgun," michael whined. 

"because he loves me," luke smirked back at him through the rearview mirror.

michael looked over at calum, who had a slight blush over his cheeks. he couldn't believe luke was so oblivious.

"whatever shitface," he mumbled, crossing his arms and leaning his head on the window. 

the rest of the drive was in silence, and the galaxy-haired boy was grateful, since he didn't feel like bickering.

stupid ashton, making forget about my damn history test, michael thought, before the car pulled into a parking space and calum turned the ignition off. 

he sighed, before making his way into the school grounds with his two best friends. he got some occasional greetings as he passed by, but other than that, it seemed to be a quiet morning. 

once michael got his books for all of his classes, he shut his locker and bid the two goodbye, before making his way to geometry before the bell had rung. he didn't like how loud the bell sounded in the hallway, plus it gave him extra time to find a good spot. 

he decided to try and cram all of the information he needed for his history test, and took out his history notebook. he sighed when all of the words weren't making sense to him.

he just wanted this day over with so he could see ashton already. 


it was finally history, and michael didn't know if he should be glad that he could see ashton soon, or crying because he was pretty sure he didn't remember a thing that he tried to cram during all of his previous classes. 

the second bell rung, and mr. halls started to speak as he passed out the papers, "good afternoon class! as you all know, today is your history test and this will be counted towards your final grade. i hoped all of you studied, as you are not allowed to leave until you finish your test."

half of the class groaned, but refrained from saying anything else because mr. halls was famous for giving out detentions. 

michael rubbed his hands over his face, before getting started on his test, thankful that most of the questions were multiple choice. 


meanwhile, ashton just got over his initial shock last night. he apologized to ryan the minute he came back, but the mer-prince didn't have the gills to confront his parents just yet. 

he was at the cove again, thinking of his parents. he didn't know how to feel towards them just yet. sure, he was mad that they never thought to keep something that big from him, but at the same time his father was trying to protect him.

ashton grumbled to himself, he could never stay mad long at people, unless they have done something that was unjustly wrong. it was why the "friends" he had when he was younger took advantage of him so much.

he could remember those days clearly, even though he tried so hard to forget about them. 

ashton could feel the tears well up in his eyes again, and he squeezed his eyes shut, but to no avail.

he mentally scolded himself for being so weak, before slumping his shoulders in defeat and letting the tears roll freely down his face. 


michael bit his lip in concentration, tapping his pencil on the desk as he repeatedly read the last question. 

who won the contest to make the bronze doors for the florence baptistry?

the galaxy haired boy wanted to smack himself in the face right there and then. he knew that this was an easy question, and he saw the name somewhere in his notes about the renaissance; he just couldn't remember the damn name.

after minutes of frying his brain out, the dismissal bell had rung, making him internally curse. eventually, he put down an italian sounding name and hoped it was the correct answer.

michael quickly scribbled his name on the paper, and turned in the paper to the correct tray so he could hurry up to calum and luke. 

for some odd reason, he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach as he thought about how ashton was doing. he frowned, hoping nothing bad happened to the shy boy.

he caught up to his two best friends who seemed to be engaged in their own conversations, and greeted them with flicks to the forehead.

"ouch, what the fuck? oh, it's just you," calum sarcastically remarked, rubbing the middle of his forehead.

"whatever, fuckface, drive me home will you?" michael asked impatiently.

the maori boy rolled his eyes but obliged, knowing that his best friend was in a bad mood and clearly didn't want to talk about it.

calum motioned luke to get in the car, who didn't even bother to acknowledge the exchange since he was busy scrolling through twitter. 

michael watched the two lovebirds get in the front seat, reminding himself to talk to calum later about luke. for now, he wanted to get home as fast as possible so he could see ashton again. the uneasiness in his stomach was growing, and the galaxy haired boy wanted to make sure that he was okay. 

after the too-long car ride for his liking, they finally pulled up to michael's front porch. he gave his friends a short wave before jumping out of the car, and running his way inside his house.

calum scoffed at his friends' behavior, which made luke smile. he turned to look over at calum's sharp features, his jawline that contrasted so much to his chubby cheeks, which luke loved. 

he knew that he was more quiet than calum and michael, but for once he just wanted to be vocal about his feelings for calum that blossomed since freshmen year. 

he thought that calum might feel the same too, judging from the way he acted towards him the night they followed michael. but, he knew not to get his hopes up since it might be a friendly gesture. 

luke bit his lip as calum reversed the car out of the driveway, sadness consuming him as he knew that the maori boy would never feel the same way.

little did he know, calum wanted nothing more than to hold his hand in that same moment, the butterflies in his chest and fluttering in his heart moving rapidly as he thought about the same exact thing the blond did. 


michael didn't bother to change his clothes, he just threw his backpack on his couch and sprinted out the back door, gradually coming to a walk since he wasn't exactly fit.

he didn't know why ashton took up so much of his thoughts lately, but he speed-walked his way once he saw the cove enter his line of view. 

the uneasiness in his stomach was growing, and it made the pale boys' worry grow for the vulnerable curly haired boy inside the cove.

however, he swallowed all of his negative feelings down, trying to put up an optimistic act for ashton so he wouldn't be more wary of him. he doubted that he was still scared of him after the game of 21 questions, but he wanted to take the extra precaution. 

michael wasted no time getting into the cove, occasionally slipping on the rocky floor, but stopped abruptly when he saw ashton crying where michael usually sat.

i hope you don't mind the little side of cake :) -lynn

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