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bold = native tongue.

it was five minutes until the grand bell rang for ashton's coronation to start.

to say he was beyond nervous was an understatement. not only was he changing his whole entire future, but he was also defying his father, which is much scarier. 

but, under all of these negative feelings sprouting left and right, there was hope guiding him. hope that he would finally be able to see michael again, hope to walk freely on land without worrying about his father, hope that ryan would fulfill his promise.

hope was all that was guiding him for five months, he wasn't going to give up now.

the tune of the bell ringing could be heard throughout the whole kingdom. clenching his fist slightly, ashton took a deep breath before moving forward into the grand hall.

everything was decorated in the kingdom's colors. blue tapestries bearing the coat of arms were hung all around the walls, paired with a string of simple white lights that ran from the four corners of the walls, to being grouped up at the ceiling. the golden light reflecting from the royal throne was illuminating the walls, adding an extra glow to the already prestige room. a grand chandeliar hung in the very front, where the red cushion bearing the crown and the alter stood. the pews were freshly polished and was decorated with blue ribbons bearing the sides. 

lucerna's were glowing along the pews, the silhouettes of the rest of his people could be seen in the dim lighting in the walkway. 

ashton kept his eyes trained right in front of him, not daring to make eye contact with anyone. he was too focused reconstructing the plan in his mind, planning out every little detail on how to approach this.

nearing the altar until he was right in front of it, the merprince stood up straight once he saw the sacerdos walk up to him from the back entrance. addressing the crowd before him by giving a slight bow, the sacerdos turned towards him as the music started.

"please rise," the sacerdos raised his voice, the tone echoing throughout the room as the rest of the merpeople stood up. 

"on this notable day, it has come to the time and place that a new king must be crowned, as the previous one has already reached their maximum years of ruling, and is now an oncoming retiree. now all, is there anything to be said before the ceremony goes on? say so now, or bite on your tongue."

a beat of silence.

"none? well, i wasn't expecting any. now-"

this was it. now or never.

he took a deep breath, pushing down all of his doubts from his mind and then, 

"i object the crown."

a stunned silence was followed. everybody was too shocked to react. how could this happen? was this even allowed? who will be the crowned king?

from his peripheral vision, he could see his father's aghast face, quickly turning into one of anger. he was about to storm up there to ask about this sudden decision, but anne-marie put an arm on his shoulder, signalling patience.

the sacerdos suddenly spoke up, putting his arm around ashton's shoulders,

"but why, my prince? what has led you to making this drast decision? surely, you are ready and fit to be a king."

and now, this was the hard part, explaining everything.

"i have come to the conclusion that i don't want to be king. i feel i am destined to be somewhere else. this position is not what i want to be, and there is no point proclaiming the title if my heart isn't fully in it. however, i trust one person to take my place, and i think he will become a much better king than i ever will be. 

i know have disappointed many, but this is what's best for me."

the widespread feeling of relief coursed throughout his body as the words he's been dying to say finally came out from his mouth. for the first time, ashton felt free.

he didn't care if his father was going to disown him, or if his mother never wanted to see him again. hell, he didn't really care if he was kicked out of the damn kingdom.

there was only one person on his mind that he wanted to see again, more than anything. 

sure, he had to wait just a bit longer, but atleast he was one step closer to being with michael again. 

for now, ashton had to sort out this mess.

since nobody planned on saying anything, he decided to continue, "since i won't be taking the crown, i'd like to pass it down to probably one of the only people that i trust. i'd like for my best friend, ryan, to come out here and accept this position from me."

ryan soon made his way to the front of the altar. on the way by, he sneaked a glance at mr. and mrs. irwin. the king's face was a mixture of emotions, a constant switch from anger to resentment to shock. however, the queen was very nonchalant about this. unbeknownst to her husband, she fully supported her son's decision, and was very proud of him for making a big decision like this on his own.

soon enough, ryan was standing right next to ashton, and right in front of the sacerdos, who eventually got over his initial shock and went on with the ceremony.

"very well, now that that's settled, we must go on with the celebration-"

"now wait just a minute!" 

the king suddenly stormed up to the altar, his eyes set ablaze once he locked eyes with his son.

"i didn't have any say nor was i knowledged about this decision either! surely, it is against the rules for such a sudden decision to be made like this?"

ashton looked over at his best friend, giving him a smug smile and a small nod, signaling for him to get out the book. 

ryan grinned, pulling out the small notebook that contained the key to their success. he cleared his throat before reading aloud,

"according to the royal regulations and family policy #248, it states:

if the certain individual does not optate to surmount the crown, they are in liberty to make their decision as they reached the age of consent. no parental consent is needed considering they are of age. however, they MUST find someone trustworthy and are disposed to surmount the crown for that individual."

he closed the notebook after that, looking up expectantly to ashton, the ladder in return giving him a thankful smile.

the king was shocked, to say the least. he hasn't looked into the rulebook for over five years, it's no wonder why the guards didn't arrest ashton yet.

ashton turned his head to look back at his father, giving an innocent smile, watching as his father's face turned red and eventually stormed off the alter, muttering curse words under his breath.

"now, i think we should move on with the ceremony," ashton said, a light feeling in his chest once he realized that everything was going to be okay.

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