Expect the Unexpected (One Direction fanfic)

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I don't want to go. I can't believe she's taking me from my home turf! this is where I belong, not London, England! My mother has got this "fabulous"job offer that causes us to move to freaking England. The company is going to pay for a fully fernished appartment, blah blah blah. I know this is only because my mom slept with the CEO of the company. God, I hate that woman.

Why did you leave me with a skank like that? I ask my deceaced father. Just two years ago he had comitted suicide in this house. Of course I had to be the one to find his life-less body. I had always been my daddy's girl and now im stuck with my god-awful mother.

I plopped onto my last suitcase so I could zip it closed. I stood up and walked to the center of my room. I did a full circle to get one last look at my bedroom. This place had been my sancuary, where I went to get away from everyone and everyhing. I sighed, grabbed the last suitcase and shut the door.

Shut the door, turn the light off

I wanna be with you... Shut up Avery! I think to myself.

Tonight was my last night in my home state of Vermont so, I was spending it with my best friend Maggie. I dropped my bag at the bottom of my stairs and then headed to Mag's. I didn't tell my mother. She could figure it out.

When I got to Maggie's house, I didn't bother knocking. I've been here too many times to waste that energy! I opened her door and went to her fridge to grab a Coke.

"Hey Avery," I hear a voice from behind me call out. It's just Quinn, Maggie's mom.

"Hi! Mags up stairs?" I ask. She nods and I race up the stairs. I open her teal bedroom door just in time to see her dancing (rather inapporpeatly) to Whistle by Flo Rida.

I just let out a little laugh and join her. Once the song ended, we just look over at eachother for a split second and burst out laughing. We collapes onto her bed. These were the moments I was going to miss so much.


"I just can't get it through my head that you're leaving me!" Maggie exclaims. She was standing in front of her mirror trying to get her hair into a  messy bus. I roll my eyes at her and turn of I'm haning upside-down from her bed.

"You know I'll be back in the 802 in few months, once I'm 18." I tell her this for the 1000th time.

"I know..." She streches out the word for a few seconds. "I bet you'll stick out like a sore thumb over there," She giggles.

Okay, let me tell you a little something about me. I'm what you could call a "country girl". My wardrobe is made of blue jeans, cut offs, camoflage and flannel shirts. But trust me when I say I know how to class up when it's needed.

"Whatever Mags," I say. "Have I ever been one to give two shits. Plus, it's not like I'm going to run into Wand Erection." We laugh at my nickname for One Direction. When I first heard the name, I swore they said Wand Erection. Maggie is the only one who knows I actually love those boys. Although, if anyone asked me about them, I would just call them the worst band to surface. I'm a strange child like that.

The rest of the night was taken up of us two girls making up unrealistic fantasies about what would happen in London and watching Finding Nemo. When my mother showed up in the morning (told you she would figure it out), there were many tears and lots of hugs. It was time to say good-bye to my life long home.

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