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Seulgi's p.o.v

What happened?

I quickly sat on a comfy bed and looked at the person besides me. Joohyun.

I gasped and tried to run away but failed when I fell on the carpet below the bed. "Seulgi? Are you alright?" I looked at Joohyun, she sat on her bed cutely, messy hair with one of her eyes open.

"Y-yeah. I shouldnt have s-stayed over, your parents might be angry at the idea of this."

"I told you... I live all by myself, nothing to worry about." She smiled and stood up from her bed and went to where I am and took her hand out for me, I held her hand and stood up.

"Breakfast?" She asked, while she picked up the pieces of chips on her bed, "Um... yeah, sure." I smiled and helped her.

- - -

"Bae Joohyun, owner of a marketing corporation. 30 years old etc." My mouth fell open, when I read the CEO part. I fucking slept with a CEO.

"Hey, close your mouth." I watched her walk towards me and held my chin, closing my mouth for me. "A-are you really the owner of 'Bae Enterprise'?" She nodded in reply while I was shocked to my core.

"Why are you quiet now?"

"Im sorry for sleeping with you Ms. Bae." I blurted out and kneeled before bowing. "Hey, stop it. Dont be sorry, I brought you here after all." She held my forearm and stood me up.

"Lets eat breakfast and I'll drop you home, is that alright?" I nodded slowly and ate quietly.

- - -

Joohyun drove quietly while I told her the directions to my apartment, "Seulgi-ssi, are you single?" Yes.


"Thats good to hear, do you have something to do this friday?" I shooked my head no and smiled half heartedly. "I dont know, why?"

"Well, theres a ball and all the CEO's around town is invited. Can you... come with me?"

Is that a date?

"Yeah, its a date."

Shit did I say that?

"Yes you did sweetie, you look adorable." I looked at Joohyun as she looked at me while she chuckled. "O-of course. Where is it?" She bit her bottom lip and searched for something on her jeans pocket.

"You can put your number in my contacts I'll text it to you once the event coordinator tells me."

"Ok..." I opened her phone and typed my phone number down. "Here." I handed her back her phone and she just smiled as she continued to drive.

"Do you still go to school?"

"Yeah, Im a working student."

"Oh. What do you need the money for?"

"To pay for my apartment rent and feed myself and my son."

"Y-you have a son?" I looked at her and she looked paler than she usually was. I laughed lightly and shooked my head in amusement. "It was just a joke, I dont have a son but I do have a dog and I consider him as my child." She chuckled and continued to drive while keeping the conversation up.

"Well, it was nice spending the night with you Seulgi." I smiled and bit my lower lip, thinking of what to reply back.

"Thankyou for today and last night Joohyun, I hope we can be good friends." She smirked and nodded before going back inside her car.

I waved her goodbye while she did the same before she drove off the street.

- - -

"The ball will be held at my friends mansion. I wont tell you cause i'll be picking you up, is that alright?" -Joohyun

"Really? Its cool but if you have anything to do thats more important than picking me up just text me. I'll just ride a cab." - Seulgi

"Nothing is more important than you Seulgi. I'll see you on friday then." - Joohyun

"Oh right. What should I wear? Jeans? Shirt?" - Seulgi

"Its a grand ball Seulgi, you should atleast wear a dress😂." - Joohyun

"Oh ok. See you on friday." - Seulgi

I screamed mentally and hurriedly threw my phone on my sofa before laying down on the floor. Of course I should wear a dress its a grand ball. Fucking dumb brain.

"Sky? Where are you boy?" I sat straight and looked for his noisy toy. "Skyyyyy where are youuuu?"


I looked behind me and saw sky running on his short legs. "Helloooo. Did you miss me?" I laid him on his back, while I scratched his stomach. Its his favorite. He licked my hand that was on his neck and looked at me again. I guess thats a yes?

Sky and I kept playing till my phone rang. I kissed him on the head before throwing his ball toy so he would run off of my lap.


"Seulgi you little shit. Where did you go last night?"

"Wendy? Sorry I had to leave..."

"For what? To go with your unknown girlfriend?"

"I dont know what youre talking about."

"Liar. I saw you and a woman walking out of the club."

"Im sorry. I was drunk ok?"

"You shouldve called me dumbass. What if she was a murderer huh?! What if she was a rapist?!"

"Im sorry Wan. I'll make it up to you and the others. You can stay here at my apartment till tommorow what you think?"

"Im only agreeing cause I miss sky."

"Yeah. Whatever."

I ended the call and threw my phone back to the couch. But as soon as it reached the couch it buzzed. I rolled my eyes and took it again.

"Stay away from Joohyun." - Unknown.

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