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A week passed and Joohyun was still with Amber, same with Seulgi and Wendy.

Wendy knew what was inside Seulgi's body, but she wasn't accepting it. Her friend got raped and was clueless about it.

"I'll just by something from the convenience store. Want anything?" Wendy asked, standing up from the couch. "Pringles and milk please." Seulgi replied, eating the same food all over again and binge watching movies.

"Anything for you. Dont open the door unless its Joy or Yeri, ok?" Seulgi nodded in reply and watched as Wendy left her alone.

Seulgi quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. She's been throwing up for the past few days and having random headaches and body pain.

"I should go to the doctor for some check up." She told herself and brushed her teeth before laying on the couch again.

- - -

Ethan followed the cops and walked up the stairs, carrying their guns. "The doors locked." One of the police officers whispered and tried opening the door again.

They were going to arrest Seeyoon, a warrant of arrest in their hands. All they need was to put Seeyoon in handcuffs.

"Kick the door." The large figured police man said, the other police man nodded and did his orders. The door finally opened, they walked in aiming their guns everywhere.

"Park Seeyoon. Youre under arrest!" One of the man screamed, they stopped at the living room and watched as Seeyoon slept peacefully.

"Deep sleeper. Put him in cuffs." One of them ordered.

Ethan looked around and saw Seeyoons phone. "Stop. Thats evidence. Investigators will deal with that. For now, relax ok? We got the kidnapper."

"You got Seeyoon. What about Amber?" Ethan asked.

"We'll send undercover cops to watch her, and enter her house. We'll inform you as soon as theres a sign of Ms. Bae."

Ethan nodded and left the scene. The media didnt know about Joohyun being kidnapped by one of her rivals, and ex-lover. Neither did her workers. Only the police, Seeyoon, Him, Seulgi and Wendy.

- - -

Seulgi snored, while Wendy watched her sleep.

"Youre getting chubbier." Wendy lightly pinched Seulgi's cheeks and smiled to herself.

"Stoppp" Seulgi groaned and stretched her arms. "Ill clean your mess. Go to my room and sleep there instead." Wendy told her and turned the tv off.

"Ok mom" Seulgi replied, and lazily stood up, vanishing thru the small hallway.

Wendy stood up and folded the blanket Seulgi used and placed it on the sofa, picking up the pieces of pringles on the carpet and throwing the empty box of milk away.

It's what Seulgi ate the past week. Milk and pringles. She didnt stop the latter, she knew that Seulgi was upset about Joohyun dissapearing.

After cleaning up, she left the new bought box of milks in the refrigirator and the pringles on the kitchen counter.

She was about to lay on the couch and relax when someone knocked on the door.

She groaned and got up.

"Hi unnie! Lets drink!" Joy smiled and showed the still closed bottle of margarita.

"Its 5 in the afternoon. What are you doing here? With alcohol?"

"I cant handle school anymore. You didnt attend to classes for a week. Seulgi unnie too."

"I cant drink. Im taking care of Seulgi."

"Seulgi unnie is here?" Joy pushed Wendy out of the way and got inside the latters apartment.

"Yeah. She's uhm... Staying here till Ms. Bae re appears." Wendy said and closed the door, seating beside Joy on the couch.

"Where did she go?"

"I dont know." Wendy replied, turning the t.v on. "Well, lets drink." Joy stood up and went to the kitchen to get some shot glass. "I wont drink. I told you I need to take care of Seulgi." Wendy replied as she watched Joy open the bottle.

"She can take care of herself. She's not sick or anything, right?" Joy asked, Wendy sighed and ignored Joy. "Wheres Yeri?"

"Well, we got in a fight cause she's been hanging out with some girl and im getting jealous."

"Thats dumb." Wendy chuckled, "I know. Now drink with me." Joy gave the shot glass to Wendy and smiled.

"Just one."

"Just one." Joy mimicked the latter.

- - -

"Amber, can you cuddle with me?" Joohyun tried to sound convincing as possible and flashed her fake smile.

"Sure baby." Amber replied and laid down beside Joohyun. "Im really happy that youre not angry at me anymore." Amber said and played with Joohyun's hair.

"Hmm." Joohyun nuzzled her face on Amber's neck.

Oh how she wish it was Seulgi she was cuddling with now.

Joohyun cried quietly, Amber clueless, believing that Joohyun and her are getting back together now.

Joohyun heard light snores. Her plan was succesful. She slowly moved away from Amber and got out of the room. The whole house was filled with bodyguards walking around, each and everyone of them smiled at her.

She was about to go out of the front door when a voice stopped her, "Where are you going Ms. Bae?" She turned her head and smiled nervously at the tall guard.

"Going to the bathroom..."

"Bathroom? Outside of the house?" The guard snickered and raised an eyebrow, "Are you trying to escape ma'am?" He asked. Joohyun gulped, she could hear her heart beat fasten.

"N-no. Why would I?"

"Let me help you ma'am."

"What?" Before she knew it, Joohyun got pulled outside of the house and was inside a black van. "W-where are you taking me?"

"To Ethan, your bodyguard." The guy replied, driving out of the gates. "You know him?" Joohyun's eyes widened. "Im an undercover cop Ms. Bae. Youre safe with me." The guy smiled, still looking at the road.

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