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"I did nothing! I swear!" Seeyoon replied as he moved the phone away from his ear, due to Seulgi's loud voice. "Are you sure?! I swear Seeyoon if I see a small scratch on my daughter I'll have you killed!" 

"Sure. Anyways, when do u want to see her?" 


Amber slowly smiled, and continued to listen. 

- - - 

Seeyoon held Ah-reum's small hand and waited for Seulgi to come, agreeing to bring Chung-min so that could Seeyoon can see him even for a minute. "Ah-reum?" Seeyoon lifted his head up and looked infront of him, seeing Seulgi and Chung-min. 

"Y-you're my dad?" Chung-min asked in his small voice, but before Seeyoon could reply, "Seeyoon! You fucking traitor!" Amber screamed, aiming the gun at Seeyoon, the four of them looked at Amber. 

"A-amber... I-I..." 

"You what?!"

"I needed to do this! What we were doing was wrong!"

"What you're doing right now is wrong! Youre such a traitor!" Amber screamed again, her face turning red.

"Amber im just doing the right thing!"
"I dont care!"

Before anyone could run, Amber fired the gun, hitting Seeyoon's right thigh. "No!" Chung-min screamed, standing still while Ah-reum ran to Seulgi.

Amber decided to fire again, but this time it didnt hit Seeyoon, Chung-min stood infront of Seeyoon's body on the floor, slowly looking at the wound on his chest.

Seulgi who slowly looked away from Ah-reum, screamed, she screamed like it was the end for her, "AMBER! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!"

Before the mother could even walk closer to Amber, the other woman, pointed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

Not even wasting a second, Seulgi ran to Chung-min and Seeyoon. "B-baby, stay awake ok?? I'll call an ambulance, just stay awake ok?" Ah-reum who was in shock, just stared at her brother.

"Seeyoon. We still need to talk after this." After calling the paramedics, Seulgi called Joohyun, deciding to tell her about the turn of events.

- - -

Seulgi, and Ah-reum we're beside the operating room's door on the hallway, waiting for an update about Chung-min.

"My baby's?" They heard a familiar voice, which made them look up, Joohyun, was standing infront of them, tears strolling down her face. Before they could stand Joohyun kneeled and wrapped Ah-reum in a hug, while Seulgi watched them, slowly smiling.

After seconds, Joohyun broke the hug and looked at Seulgi, placing her hand on top of the latter's. "I missed you." Seulgi smiled, for the first time in a while, she smiled, not with pain, but with happiness, all because of happiness, now that they're almost complete.

"Im sorry. About the things i've said, i never meant those, I was ju-"

"Shh. I understand, I wont go away from you, ok? I love you." Seulgi nodded and kissed Joohyun.

"Eww." The two stopped and looked at Ah-reum who was covering her eyes.

Their little moment was cut off by the doctor coming out of the operating room. "Ms. Kang?"

Seulgi stood up together with Joohyun and Ah-reum, "How's my baby?"

"He's fine. He's just asleep due to the anesthesia, we got the bullet out, he lost a lot of blood but he was fighting." Seulgi smiled to herself, knowing that Chung-min was so strong and brave, that he decided to be shot for Seeyoon whom he just met.

"Thanks doc."

/ / / /

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! BUHAY PAKO CHRISTMAS GIFT KO SENYO sorry if i updated just now, was busy and had a writers block. I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!

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