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Joohyun and Seulgi watched as Chung-min smiled for his passport picture, they smiled as he looked cute with his hair parted in the middle while he wore a jumper.

"Our baby looks handsome!" Joohyun carried Chung-min off of his seat and walked towards Seulgi and Ah-reum.

"When will we have our passpwort mama bwunny?" Ah-reum asked, "We'll get it next week." Joohyun replied. "Where do you cuties want to go?" Seulgi asked.

"I want popcorn!" Chung-min squealed in excitement which made Joohyun laugh.

"I want pringles!" Ah-reum frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Dont be grumpy Ah-reum. We'll buy all the foods you babies want then we'll go buy some toys then to grandmas house. Ok?" Joohyun said as he let Chung-min walk beside Ah-reum.

"Yeyyy!" The twins screamed as they jumped, "Youre spoiling them too much." Seulgi scolded Joohyun but gave her kisses at the same time.

"They deserve everything." Joohyun replied and wrapped her arms around Seulgi's waist and followed the twins.

- - -

Seulgi was nervous, she hasnt seen her mother since her second date with Joohyun and now she's back with their kids.

"Relax." Joohyun whispered to Seulgi as she parked the car. "Im excited to see granny!" Chung-min squealed while Ah-reum played with her dolls.

"Im nervous. Really nervous." Seulgi replied, removing the seatbelt. "Dont be. Right babies?" Joohyun turned her head to Chung-min and Ah-reum, the twins were confused but nodded anyway.

"See? Dont be nervous." Seulgi nodded and jumped out of the car, walking to the back of the car and got the twins out of their seat. "What about my step-dad?" Seulgi whispered to Joohyun.

"I'll make sure he doesnt mess with you." Joohyun smiled and knocked on the front door.

Seulgi's mother opened the door, she looked at Seulgi, Joohyun then down at the twins. "I miss you honey." Seulgi's mother wrapped Seulgi in a tight hug but broke the contact once she heard Seulgi choking.

"Sorry. Who do we have here dear?" Mrs. Kang asked looking at the three unknown persons again.

"Uhm... Mom... My soon-to-be wife and... Our twins." Her mother suddenly choked and it made the twins laugh while Seulgi patted her mothers back.

"Thats bad babies. You shouldnt have laughed." Joohyun scolded the twins, the twins bit their lips and stopped laughing.

"I always knew you were gay. So theyre my grandchildren?" It was now Joohyun's turn to laugh, she found Mrs. Kang's reply funny. "Yes." Seulgi replied and watched as her mother kneeled and hugged the twins.

"You two look adorable. What are your names?"

"Im Chung-min." Chung-min bowed and smiled, "Im Ah-reum nice to mweet you granny." Ah-reum bowed too and giggled.

- - -

"Mama bwear looks so cute!" Chung-min squealed as he pointed at a picture where Seulgi was three years old and was swimming in her small inflatable pool.

"I want a pool too mama bwunny." Ah-reum turned to Joohyun and gave her mother the puppy dog eyes. "I'll buy you one tomorrow." Joohyun gave in after a minute of eye contact and held Seulgi's hands.

"They look so cute." Joohyun whispered to the latter. "I know. I dont want this kind of moment to end." Seulgi sniffed as she was about to cry.

"It wont." Joohyun assured Seulgi and hugged the latter.

They enjoyed the small family reunion and talked about all the trips they wantwd to go on and things they wanted to buy, not worrying about anything.

Seulgi and Joohyun enjoyed this moment and thinked about growing old together with the twins with them. Atleast thats what they thought.

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U guys made me happy with all the votes and the comments so heres another chapter

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