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"Thats her? Your kid?" Amber pointed to a sleeping Ah-reum on the couch while Seeyoon drank his beer.

"Yeah, she's cute isnt she? I couldnt get her twin, he's like smart."

"He probably got his smartness from Seulgi cause youre an idiot. Whats your plan for her?" Amber asked.

"Now, that were in Korea, maybe change her name, brainwash her, then let her live a normal live." Seeyoon smiled, he maybe did a bad thing to Seulgi, but he still has a heart for his child.

"Thats all? You've been here since yesterday, and thats what you planned?" Seeyoon nodded and sat on the couch where Ah-reum was sleeping and began to stroke the girls hair.

"Well, what should I do with her?"

"You should use her, so I can have Joohyun back then maybe we can take her twin too." Amber smirked, she still loved Joohyun, after years.

"I dont know, I dont want them to get involved." Seeyoon replied.

"Im sure they wont get hurt, just trust me " Amber held Seeyoon's shoulder while he nodded in reply.

- - -

"Seulgi. Sleep, you've been awake for four days!" Joohyun screamed at her wife while she held her by her shoulders. "I told you I cant! Our daughter is missing and the police hasnt find her yet!"

"If you cant do this for yourself do this for me and the twins, do you thing Ah-reum would be happy when she knew you havent slept for days?" Seulgi looked down and shooked her head.

"Then sleep, please. You need to rest." Seulgi nodded in reply and kissed Joohyun's lips before walking up to their bedroom.

"What should I do with her?" Joohyun asked Wendy thru her phone, theyve been video calling for hours, trying to get Seulgi to rest.

"I really dont know unnie, just give her some space. Did the police find something yet?"

"No. Nothing, I hate it, I really miss Ah-reum." Joohyun closed her eyes and sighed, "Relax unnie, dont be Seulgi version two, we'll find her soon we all just need to be positive, ok? I gotta go now I have to cook Chung-min dinner." Wendy waved goodbye and threw a flying kiss before ending the call.

- - -

Joy and Yeri we're walking around the mall, having their normal shopping date. "Lets go there!" Yeri pointed to the baby's section and pulled Joy before the older could even reply.

"What are we doing here?" Joy asked, looking at the variety of baby stuff.

"I had a dream about a baby last night, and I think its a sign we'll have a baby soon." Yeri smiled and scanned all of the clothes that infants wear.

"What? How can you get pregnant without having se-" Yeri covered the older girls mouth while she tip toed.

"Shut up. Look." Yeri pointed to a certain guy and looked terrified, she slowly uncovered Joy's mouth and held the girls hands.

"Isn't that Seeyoon?" Joy whispered, Yeri nodded and looked puzzled, "Why is he at the kids section?"

The two looked at each other, as their eyes widened in shock.

/ / /

I think this story is getting lame, thoughts?

11.6k reads!!! I love all of you!!!

Sorry if i updated just now a lot of things happened 

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