Chapter 2: Cizukurella

978 47 5

Izuku woke up to find himself covered in soot. That wasn't even the weirdest thing. When he tried to clean himself up, he found that his clothes had changed. He was now wearing rags and they looked like they were better suited for a girl. Izuku looked around to find himself in what looked like a cottage. Weird. thought Izuku. Wasn't I just outside. "Confused? I bet you are." Izuku turned around to see where the voice was coming from and was horrified at the site. There were three grown men wearing frilly dresses. One was wearing a red wig with ponytails, another wore a blond wig with curls, and the third wore a gray wig that was in a large bob. Izuku just stared before the blond wigged man spoke, "Ya see, we were minding our own business when we picked up that little girl's book. That's how we all ended up like this. We met the girl's parents who also got trapped. Turns out that her quirk lets her trap people in story books that she touches. The downside is that unless all the character positions are filled up, the story can't start. The only way to end her quirk is to finish the story. As you can see, you're Cinderella and we're your evil step family. Sorry about this, but we got to be mean to ya. You just need to play along until the end." Izuku stared dumbfounded at what had just been explained to him. He would have never guessed that such a powerful quirk existed! It would have to be contained at some point and he felt bad for the little girl, but right now he had to focus on being Cinderella. With that, he began to clean the house and do all the chores and cater to the three men as they treated him awfully. He met the parents, who had been turned into mice. When the invitation for the ball came, Izuku was left by the three men as they went off to dance with the prince. Izuku didn't have the time to make a dress like in the story, but it seemed that it was okay as the fairy godmother (the girl's grandmother) was still able to make him one. It was more of a vest, but still looked similar to the one Cinderella wore and he even got glass dreaa shoes. Thank goodness. I don't think that I would be able to dance with the prince in heels. thought Izuku as he left in the pumpkin carriage. He arrived at the ball and saw his step family. He entered the ballroom. It was absolutely beautiful. Izuku imagined what it would be like to dance with Kirishima in such a room. No, Izuku. You can't think about him. He's out of your league. Right now, you need to dance with the prince, leave a shoe, and finish the damn story. Izuku looked around, but couldn't find the prince. That was until. "Welcome all." Izuku turned around to see a handsome boy around his age with orange tipped blond hair and orange clothing that made him look like a true prince. Izuku thought that he was amazing. The boy spoke, "Thank you all for attending my ball. I am the prince of this story. It was either this or I would be one of the mice." Izuku giggled at that comment and approached the prince. "I assume that you are Cinderella." Izuku was surprised by how regal the boy sounded. "Greetings, I am named Leonidas Hearthwill. I hope that the dance will be enjoyable for you." Izuku took the hand that the prince held out. The two of them began to dance. "Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm a student at UA." Leonidas seemed shocked that Izuku decided to start a conversation, but smiled softly. "That is quite a prestigious school. Though I doubt they will get much better if someone hears that such a strong student of theirs got trapped by the quirk of a little girl." Izuku blushed and looked at the prince. "Anyway, I hope that you are not uncomfortable. I know that Cinderella goes through a tough time, so I hope that this story ends soon. Oh, I almost forgot, you may call me Leo. I only recently moved here from America." Izuku was surprised by how nice Leo acted. He was a true gentleman. They spent the rest of the dance talking. It turned out that Leo had gotten trapped by the girl's quirk with the intent to help the others get out. They spoke about what they liked. Izuku was surprised that such a regal person was as interested in heroes as he was. Leo was especially a fan of All Might and was jealous that Izuku was being taught by him. They were talking for so long that they almost missed the midnight bell, had it not been for the step family. Izuku ran away to go back home and he left one of his shoes behind. The next day, Leo came to put the shoe on Izuku's foot. With that the story ended and everyone was sent back into the real world. The girl's  parents (it turned out her name was Alice, which Leo said was appropriate given her quirk) apologized for everything. Everyone else went their separate ways, but Izuku and Leo continued to hold the conversation they were having at the ball until Leo spoke up. "Izuku what is bothering you?" Izuku looked shocked that Leo knew that was having problems, but then thought that Leo was probably really good at reading people. Izuku didn't want to bother his new friend with his problems, but he thought that Leo might be able to help him. Izuku told him all about how he had a crush on Kirishima and why it was so terrible. Leo listened and seemed to be unsure of what to do. "OK. We will have to figure this out. It may take some time, so let us exchange phone numbers so that we will be able to think of a plan later. It is getting late, so it is best if we go home for now." With that, they exchanged number and promised to text each other. As Izuku was preparing to leave, he realized something. "Leo, you never told me what your quirk is." Leo looked up and said, "Oh, my apologies. My quirk is called mimic. I can mimic the quirk of anyone I touch, but I must have direct contact with them and I can only use the last five quirks that I mimic." Izuku was startled that Leo could mimic One for All, but remembered that Leo never touched him directly, having worn gloves the entire time. "That's so cool. I think that's such an amazing quirk. Well, I should go home. See you later." "Farewell and good night." With that, the two new friends went their separate ways. Izuku was still troubled about his crush on Kirishima, but he felt better being with Leo.

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