Chapter 4: Rivaled in Love

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Kirishima hated himsefl. He had hurt Izuku. That was bad enough. But now, Izuku didn't even act like himself. He just seemed to be going through the day. He wasn't mumbling or watching everyone else use their quirks or even writing in his hero notebook. He was just there. Kirishima wanted to apologize and his friends told him to do so too, but he felt like he would just make things worse. He also felt like he didn't deserve to have Izuku's eyes on him. Kirishima just had to live with it. As they went to their final class, Kirishima began to wonder if Izuku would forgive him if he bought him a new phone. Yeah. thought Kirishima. That way, I can get him to stop being mad at me and we can exchange phone numbers. We can have the relationship he has with his new friend. We can talk about heroes, school, being together, dates, marriage, our future family, our ten kids!! That was when Kirishima stopped his mind. Well, those thought began to escalate quickly. I better stop that. I need to focus on getting Izuku to like me. I have enough money to buy him a new phone, but I won't be able to get that new piece of merchandise that I wanted. Kirishima was wondering what he should spend his money on when he saw Izuku walking passed him looking defeated. That was when Kirishima decided that he didn't need any merchandise. What he needed was to get Izuku to like him again. Kirishima ran towards the school gates smiling, thinking that it would be easy to get Izuku to like him again. he almost didn't notice the blond haired boy that was waiting outside the gates.

Izuku felt empty. He had gone so long without being able to communicate with Leo. His friends had offered to lend them their phones, but Izuku didn't want to make Leo uncomfortable by sharing his personal phone number. He had told Izuku that he had spent so much time alone that Izuku had become his first friend and that he felt uncomfortable being around and talking to most people. Izuku also didn't want his friends to talk to Leo, for fear that they may find out that they were planning to get Izuku over his crush on Kirishima. Finally, the school day came to an end. Izuku was stilled depressed. What if Leo decides not to be my friend anymore because I haven't tried to contact him in so long? Izuku's mind began to fill with doubts, but he knew that they were pointless. Leo wasn't the kind of person who would end a friendship over something so trivial. Izuku would just have to call him and explain everything when he got home. His friends were behind him trying to see if he was okay, but he just kept going forward. He saw Kirishima walk by him and looked at the gates. That is when he saw Leo waiting there.

Leo was uncomfortable to say the least. He was not used to having any friends, opting to spend his time learning, practicing, and reading. He rarely made any effort to connect with anyone or even talk to anyone. That was why it was such a surprise to him and his parents when he made a friend named Izuku Midoriya. Leo knew that the two of them would get along. Leo was clumsy when it came to being a friend, so he just went along with what Izuku did. He had tried to contact him earlier, but there had not been any answer all day. Leo felt that something was wrong. His parents often joked that he had a second quirk that told him when something was off. He disliked how they poked fun at him given that he was such a sensitive person, but he was beginning to think that it might be true. That was why he went to wait in front of the gates of UA High School. It was just as Leo had expected it to be. Leo would wait for Izuku to come out of class in order to see what was wrong. Leo waited for a while and saw that some students coming out. What really caught his attention was a red haired boy about his own age. That must be Kirishima. thought Leo. He seems to match what Izuku told me. Of course, I guess he may have exaggerated on how amazing he appears. I guess it must have been his crush. Leo watched as the red head stopped and he saw that passed the boy was Izuku. Leo waved over to his friend, who quickly began to run towards the gate.

Kirishima was dumbstruck. The boy that was standing before him looked like royalty. He had smooth blond hair that had orange tips. His eyes were a keep orange caramel swirl that seemed incredibely peaceful and his clothing  made him look incredibely fancy. Kirishima was confused as to why someone like that was waiting outside the school. He got his answer when he saw Izuku ran past him and hug the stranger. The stranger seemed a bit uncomfortable with the hug and didn't even make an attempt to return it. What really made Kirishima angry was how Izuku was so happy to see that stranger. Kirishima stomped over to where they were to talk to this new guy. Maybe even to fight him.

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