Chapteer 3: Jealousy from a Love

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Izuku had found his new best friend. He and Leo spent the entire night being in contact with one another. Izuku had called him when he was doing his homework, which Leo helped him with, so Izuku got it done rather quickly. They decided that they would think of a plan tomorrow. For now, they talked about heroes and their own lives. Izuku found out that Leo was available at any time that he needed him because he was homeschooled, but his parents were okay with him leaving the house when he was supposed to be taught since he was so reliable. Izuku told Leo all about how life in UA was treating him. He also told Leo about how he was bullied because everyone thought he was quirkless, how he met All Might, how he got into UA, and the new friends he made there. Izuku was surprised at how much he told Leo. He even almost revealed the secret of One for All, but Leo somehow knew that it was something that they shouldn't talk about and stopped Izuku. Izuku had never been so close to anyone before, not even Bakugo. They spent a majority of the night asleepa and promised to text each other in the morning. Izuku still needed to find a way to get over his crush on Kirishima, but he knew that it was going to be alright as long as he had Leo.

The next morning, Izuku immediately started texting Leo the moment he got up. Izuku thought that he had texted to early, but then he remembered that Leo woke up extremely early in order to go out for a run. They held their conversation as Izuku ate his breakfast and went to school. Izuku almost missed his stop because he was so involved in the conversation. Izuku felt that nothing could go wrong.

Eijiro Kirishima had a big problem. He felt weird when it came to his classmate, Izuku Midoriya. Kirishima was unsure of how he felt for him. His friends Mina Ashido and Hanta Sero said that he was in love with Izuku while Denki Kaminari said that he just admired Izuku. Kirishima didn't think he was romantically interested in Izuku, so he went with Kaminari's idea. He knew that Izuku was going to be a great hero one day, given how he cared so much about others, even putting himself in danger to protect them. Kirishima thought that his quirk was super manly, but dangerous as it harmed him every time he used it. Izuku was also very nice, like how he had said that Kirishima's quirk was pro hero material. Kirishima just sighed and fell into his seat. He wanted to talk to Bakugo about Izuku since they knew each other, but everytime someone so much as mentioned Izuku, Bakugo grew incredibely angry. Kirishima would just have to figure it out on his own. That was when he heard the classroom door open and Izuku entered, looking down at his phone.

Izuku ignored most of the glares that he got when he walked in since he didn't even pay attention to anyone else. "Good morning Midoriya," said Iida. Izuku responded, "Yeah, good, uh, morning, um, you." Izuku was not even paying enough attention to see who was greeting him. He was having a conversation with Leo and didn't want to miss a single detail. That was until Uraraka came up and took his phone away. When Izuku went to grab it, he was met with an angry face. "Deku, what is up with you? " said Uraraka. "You haven't said hello to anyone but Iida and even that was barely a greeting. Why are you so hung up on your phone?" Izuku stared at Uraraka and then realized that she was right. He hadn't greeted everyone this morning. He looked around the class to see that all the students were looking at him, even Bakugo. Izuku apologized and greeted them and turned back to Uraraka. "Sorry Uraraka. Its just that I made a new friend yesterday. He's really cool. He just moved here from America and he loves to talk about heroes just as much as me. We get along great. It was kind of funny how we met. It seemed like something out of a television show. He also has this amazing quirk." Izuku was about to go into detail when Uraraka's had went up to stop him. "So, you've just been texting this guy that you met the other day the entire time and that was why you ignored us?" asked Uraraka. The class seemed interested in the answer. Izuku responded,"Yeah. He's so nice. we haven't really stopped communicating since we went our separate ways. Actually, we started talking the moment we got home. Its been great having someone who has so much in common with me." Izuku smiled as he thought of how he and Leo got along. The rest of the class just stared at Izuku before continuing on with their own conversations. They seemed content with the idea of Izuku having made a new friend that he had such a good time with. Uraraka gave Izuku back his phone (though Iida told him that he shouldn't being using it before class began) and said that all of the students were happy for him. However, she was off by two people. The first one was obviously Bakugo, who hated it when Izuku was involved. It was the second person that was surprising. The second person was Kirishima!

Kirishima had decided that he was in love with Izuku. He had been jealous the entire time that Izuku spoke about his new friend. So what if they get along. I but he's not even that manly. I bet his quirk sucks and that Midoriya is hjust being nice and saying its amazing. thought Kirishima in a jealous rage. He calmed don for a moment at the thought of Izuku lying about a quirk, since that brought up the possiblity that Midoriya didn't really think that Kirishima's quirk was all that amazing. Regardless, Kirishima hated this new friend. He was glad that Iida asked Izuku to put his phone away. He was about to move back to his seat when he heard Midoriya tell his friends that the two of them were planning on meeting after school to discuss something private, but they had to text each other the details. He was able to keep his cool about it until Uraraka spoke up. "Oh, sounds like you have a hot date." Before he knew it, Kirishima had hardened his right fist and smashed Izuku's phone into the desk. As he calmed down and realized what he had done, he quickly moved away, just enough to see Izuk on the verge of tears. Kirishima felt ashamed. it was not very manly to be so jealous and prevent someone for hanging out with his friends. Kirishima tried to apologize, but Izuku turned away.

Izuku could not believe what he had just seen. His crush, Eijiro Kirishima, had gotten angry and smashed Izuku's phone. He couldn't understand what had gotten Kirishima so riled up. You were just talking about meeting up with Leo. That's when Uraraka made that comment about it being a date. thought Izuku. Maybe he was jealous. No, stop it. You know he's not interested. He doesn't like you. He's out of your league. He can have anyone of his friends as a partner. Why would he chose someone who can't even control their own quirk yet? Izuku knew that he shouldn't be so angry, but he could no longer communicate with Leo. He had Leo's number memorized, but no phone to use. It would take Izuku weeks to have the money to buy a new phone. He didn't want to go that long without speaking to Leo. It felt as though part of his hurt had been broken with his phone. That was when Izuku realized that he was going to have less of a problem getting over Kirishima than he thought. He was already falling out of love with him.

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