Chapter 7: A Beast's Love

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Izuku went out into the forest. It seemed to be around the time that he had to go in search of Leo. As he wandered in the forest, he continued to wonder who could be playing the role of the beast. There were still a few people unaccounted for, but it didn't help the situation. At some point, Izuku managed to find the castle. He searched for the cells to find Leo. When he did find Leo, Leo was a bit beaten up. Izuku gasped, "Leo, what happened?" At that moment, he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see the beast. "Midoriya, you're here." Izuku was captured in a big bear (or beast) hug. It took only a moment for Izuku to recognize the beast as Kirishima. Izuku realized that it must have been Kirishima who hurt Leo. Izuku felt another pain in his heart, already feeling like his love for Kirishima was beginning to deteriorate. Izuku turned to face Kirishima, "Kirishima, please let Leo go and I will stay here in his place." Kirishima grinned and said, "Okay, but you can never see him ever again." Izuku agreed and Leo was released, though a bit harshly.

Izuku looked around the room that he had been given. It seemed nice and spacious. He was still recovering from the discovery that Kirishima was the beast. As he frowned, he saw the candlestick, teapot, and clock come. He recognized them as Iida, Uraraka, and Mineta. Uraraka said, "Hey Deku. How are you? Well I guess not too well since you're trapped here and now we're all in a story. Oh well." Iida nodded and said, "Yes. As you and Leo did, we must complete the story to be released. Hopefully we can do so before Mineta bothers the other female house items too much." Izuku just chuckled a bit at how his friends seemed to be having fun being part of the story. Izuku asked where the room with the rose was. After Iida gave him specific instructions on how to get there, he entered the room. Izuku saw the rose and was about to touch it when he felt Kirishima's paws gently touch him. "Midoriya, you need to run okay. I don't want to scare you. But I have to. Just know that I don't mean it." Izuku ran as soon as Kirishima launched himself to protect the rose. Izuku ran outside to the forest. He was a bit far from the castle when he remembered something from the story. That was when he noticed the wolves that were approaching him. He was scared and didn't know if he could even use his quirk in the story. He figured not since Bakugo hadn't blow up everything in sight. As the wolves prepared to attack Izuku, Kirishima came out and fought them off to protect him. After the wolves were gone, Izuku took Kirishima back to the castle to patch up his wound. Once Kirishima is taken care of, he takes Izuku to the library to cheer him up about what was happening.

Back at the village, Leo returned to tell the other villagers about the beast. Bakugo just tries to ignore him when he is reminded that if he does not lock up Leo to convince Izuku to marry him, they will all be tapped in the story forever. That was enough motivation for Bakugo to act.

Kirishima was nervus as hell. He was about to go dance with Izuku. He was not the best dancer and the beast's giant feet were not in any way helpful. He just hoped that the house items were able to make Izuku look nice. He let his mind wander to what Izuku would look like. Kirishima then blushed as his own thoughs turned lewd and nasty. He shook is head and slapped his cheeks to bring him back to reality. None of that happened in the story, so he had to wait for that to happen in the real world. Kirishima descended the staircase. After he waited a while, he was told by Iida that Izuku was here. Kirishima nearly had a nose bleed frm the sight before him. Izuku was wearing a coating of gold and green that had frills at the end that made it look a bit like a dress and he wore brown slacks. Izuku approached and took Kirishima's hand. They began to dance.

As soon as the song was done, Kirishima hugged Izuku as tight as he could. He never wanted to let go, but he knew that he had to show Izuku what was going on with Leo. Kirishima was a bit hurt when Izuku wanted to leave to save Leo. Kirishima tried to tell himself that it was because that was how the story went and that Izuku would save anyone who was in trouble, but his heart still hurt to see Izuku go. He had even taken the mirror, so now Kirishima  couldn't even stare at him anymore.

Izuku returned to the village and looked for Bakugo. When he found him, he took out the mirror and sadi, "Kacchan, look! The beast is real, so let my father go." Bakugo looked at the mirror and showed it to the other villagers. After Bakugo locked Izuku in the basement of his house with Leo, he and the villagers went off to slay the beast. As Izuku tried to get out, he heard a voice. "Don't worry Midoriya." He turned to see that the part of the little teacup was being played by Tokoyoami. Izuku tried his best not to laugh as Tokoyoami released him and Leo from the basement. As he approached the castle, he saw that the servants were defending it, but Kirishima was barely putting up a fight against Bakugo. Izuku yelled, "Kirishima!" Upon hearing Izuku's voice, Kirishima became encouraged to win. Once he spared Bakugo's life, Bakugo came up and stabbed him, resulting in him being thrown off the castle from Kirishima's thrashing. Kirishima was about to die when the last petal was about to fall. Izuku came up to him and said, "Oh, Kirishima. I love you." With that, Kirishima was revived and turned back into his human self, along with the rest of the servants. After that, they held a celebration, resulting in the completion of the story.

All the students returned to the real world. Once they got out of the story, they stayed away from Alice and called the teachers. The teachers were able to prevent Alice from using her quirk and they called her parents. The students were all relieved to have been freed from such a quirk. They began to head home, each saying their respective good-byes. Izuku decided to go with Leo to discuss the plans to make him fall out of love with Kirishima. Leo asked, "Do you really want to fall out of love with him?" Izuku replied, "Yeah, I'm sure, why?" Leo just stared at Izuku for a moment before he smacked his head, "Why is my first friend so clueless??!!"

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