Chapter 9: Final Admissions

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A few weeks after the events with Alice at the school passed, but neither Izuku nor Kirishima admitted theit feelings towards each other. Their friends urged them to do so, but they refused. Clearly neither of them wanted to risk the chance of the other not returning the feelings. The students of UA were becoming irritated at their friends. Eventually, they decided to take matters into their own hands. It came to that the students seeked the help of Leo. Leo had an idea of what to do. He had Kirishima's friends and Izuku's friends retrieve a sample of each of their writing. One of the quirks that Leo possessed allowed him to copy another person's handwriting by viewing a sample. With this, he wrote letters from each student to the other. He told each other to meet in the back of the school after classes were over. He had Izuku's friends give him the note with Kirishima's writing and Kirishima's friends gave him the note with Izuku's writing. The students agreed to do so that their friends could finally get together.

Izuku was unsure of what to do with the note that held Kirishima's writing. He was unsure why Kirishima wanted to meet him after school, but he needed to do this. His friends had told him that he should. Even Leo agreed when he texted him about the meeting. Leo said that if Izuku could talk to Kirishima without getting so flustered, that it meant that he was beginning to have better control of his feelings. Izuku waited the entire school day, occasionally glancing at Kirishima. Sometimes he would catch Kirishima staring at him and they both turned away from one another. Izuku said goodbye to his friends as the day ended and he went to the meeting place. Kirishima was already there. Kirishima saw Izuku and asked, "Midoriya, why did you want to meet me?" Izuku was puzzled, "But, you were the one who wanted to meet me." Both boys were confused. Unknown to them, their friends were watching and listening. They had planted a bug to listen in on the conversation, courtesy of Yaoyorozu. Leo put his next quirk into action. He pointed at Izuku and Kirishima. This activated a quirk that forced the person to reveal how they truly felt about another person. Once the two were affected by the quirk, the teenagers listened. Kirishima spoke, "Midoriya, I really like you!" He closed his mouth as soon as his sentence was finished. Izuku replied, "I like you too Kirishima!" Izuku turned as red as Kirishima's hair. They looked at each other for a moment before they began to laugh. They looked at each other once again, pleased that the other returned their feelings. Kirishima was feeling bold, so, against his better judgement, he leaned in and kissed Izuku on the lips. They parted the moment they heard squealing not to far away. They both turned to see their classmates and Leo watching them from outside the school. They blushed and began to run away. Their friends laughed as the two boys ran away holding hands. Eventually, Izuku tripped and fell. He was about to get up when Kirishima lifted him up bridal style. Kirishima laughed and continued to run with Izuku in his arms. Everyone else watched as the new couple ran away, laughing and smiling. Leo began to leave. He looked back at his friend and his new boyfriend and said, "What a good happy ending. It should be a fairy tale. The End."

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