Chapter 8: Friendly Advice

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Izuku was uncomfortable with how Leo was staring at him now. Since the day that the two of them and the other students from class 1-A were trapped by Alice's quirk, he had been holding something back. Izuku felt like it was a sort of punishment, but it might also be to make Izuku realize something. He had spent enough time with Leo to learn that he liked to make other people work and think for anything they wanted. It was how he learned about Leo. Izuku decided that he should ask, "Okay, what do you want to tell me?" Leo sighed and replied, "Uhh, fine. I can tell you that Kirishima does indeed like you. It was obvious from how he acted in the story." Izuku nearly fell off the chair at what Leo said. Izuku stared at his friend, "Are-are-are you sure?" Leo nodded his friends. Izuku knew that Leo wouldn't lie about something so personal. It also explained why Leo hadn't discussed any plans to get rid of Izuku's feelings for Kirishima. If they were mutual, then there was no need to get rid of them. Izuku smiled a bit at the thought that Kirishima might like him back. He turned to Leo, "Well, we should think of a plan for me to confess. It should involve a date afterwards." Leo nodded. The two of them took out a notebook and started to write out ideas on how Izuku could confess to Kirishima. They used another to write out possible date plans that they could take after the confession. Upon Leo's advice, they also used another notebook to write contingencies for anything tht could go wrong.

Kirishima sighed. Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari looked at him in distain. They were all sitting in Kirishima's room. The planned to goof off together, but it ended up with them having to listen to Kirishima mope about not being able to confess to Izuku. Ashido spoke, "Kirishima, why don't you just tell Midoriya how you feel?" Kirishima just stared at her as though she were insane. Kirishima remarked, "I can't just confess. It's Midoriya! He managed to hold his own against Bakugo without having to use his quirk until the last minute! He even managed to save All Might!! All Might for goodness sakes!!! The number one hero who shouldn't need to be saved!! I can't just confess. It has to be perfect! Besides, I'm not even sure if he likes me. He might be gay, but I think he likes that Leo guy more than me." Kirishima sighed again. His friends were getting annoyed. Kirishima had been sighing nonstop every five minutes for the past two hours! Kaminari decided to speak this time, "Dude, he basically drools over you when you fight. I think he likes you." Kirishima retorted with, "Yeah, but it's probably because of my quirk. He basically drools over anything he thinks is cool. I like how he drools over my quirk though. He's practically the only one who called my quirk pro hero material. I mean, it's not flashy, but he liked it." Kirishima blushed a bit at the memory of Izuku talking to him and making him feel special. His three friends just sighed at how he was acting. They decided to make Kirishima understand, so they called the one person who could help them. Within half an hour, Bakugo was at Kirishima's house. Kaminari had managed to find his phone number and threatened to give it to everyone in the class for them to call him if he didn't come to Kirishima's house right away. Bakugo was obviously annoyed that he had to be there, but he managed to contain his anger. As soon as he sat down, Sero spoke, "Okay Bakugo. You've known Midoriya the longest. We were wondering if you could tell Kirishima that Midoriya has feelings for him." Clearly, Bakugo was the wrong person to ask. His hands started to let off mini explosions and glared at everyone. They felt so stupid. It was obvious that Bakugo had problems when it came to Midoriya, so they should never had mentioned him. After a minute, Bakugo calmed down and said, "Of course he has feelings for Kirishima. I've known him since he was four and I can tell when he has feelings for someone. It's obvious he likes you, but he might also like that Leo guy." Kirishima jumped at the comment and went to hug Bakugo. Finally, he had some hope that Midoriya would like him back, but he had to work fast to make sure Midoriya didn't fall in love with Leo.

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