Chapter 5: Love and Hate

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Izuku watched as Kirishima approached him and Leo. Following him were the other students of class 1-A. Obviously they were curious about the kid that was in front of their school and talking to one of their classmates. As they all gathered around, Izuku saw that their prescence was making Leo uncomfortable, so he thought of how he could get his friend out of there. "Hey everyone," began Izuku. "This is my friend Leonidas, but you can call him Leo. He's the new friend that I made the other day." The students all seemed a bit surprised. They had been expecting Izuku's new friend to be a nerd like him, but the person in front of them was regal. He didn't look like the type of person that would be so obsessed with heroes like Izuku. Kirishima was the first to speak up. "Why are you here?" Izuku was taken aback by how harsh Kirishima said his words. Leo took a deep breathe and replied, "I was wondering what happened to Izuku. He was not answering his phone, so I thought that something might have happened. That is why I decided to come to the school to wait for him to exit so that I can see if he is okay. My apologies if I have bothered you in any way." Leo bowed in apology, but the students of UA were too busy being shocked to notice. He spoke so regally that they didn't know how to react. Kirishima still seemed angry thought, but this time it was because Leo was using Izuku's given name. Kirishima still called Izuku by his surname and they had know each other since the school year began. Kirishima felt his jealous rise when he thought of a way to make Leo seem lame. "So, Leo, what is your quirk? Izuku told us its really cool." said Kirishima with a sarcastic tone. Leo looked at Kirishima and was about to answer when Izuku spoke up. "Oh, thats right. Uraraka stopped me from getting the chance to tell you. Its really cool. His quirk is really pro hero material. I bet he could be a great hero if he wanted to. His quirk is called mimic. It allows him to copy up to the last five quirks of people he touched. Of course, he has to touch them directly. It can be anywhere, as long as its direct. It would be so cool to use. He can use the quirks simultaneously, but it probably require a lot of focus. And it would be funny to see a villain when their quirk is being used by a hero. It would freak them out when they used different quirks. That's probably one of the best parts of his quirk. Of course, he tries to avoid touching people with quirks directly since he doesn't like to copy people's quirks without their permission. That's why he avoids people, but also because people make him really uncomfortable. I guess we probably should have left by now since he obviously doesn't want to be here. But I can't help it. It should be a crime not to know about a quirk like his. He could probably beat even Kacchan if he used his quirk. I wonder if they could beat each other physically too. Now that I think about it, maybe there's a way for him to prevent his quirk from mimicking others through training. He might have to have an instructor for that. I don't know. I've never heard of a quirk like his, so it would be hard to find someone like that. It might be possible if he could come to UA in order to learn about how to control his quirk." Izuku began to enter a barely audible mumble about how Leo could control his quirk. Meanwhile, Bakugo was being restrained by Sero and Kaminari for what Izuku said. They were so busy holding him back that they didn't notice Kirishima's anger rising.

Kirishima was angry, jealous and pissed at the same time. Dammit. thought Kirishima. His quirk is cool. He could copy my quirk and use it with other quirks to make it look more flashy. Man, its just so manly. No wonder Izuku likes him so much. Kirishima wanted Izuku to focus his attention on him. He wanted Izuku to talk about his quirk, to talk about heroes with him, to grow up with him, to work with him, go on dates with him, cuddle with him, sleep with him, marry him, and have kids with him. Kirishima shook his head to focus. Right now he had to find a way to get Izuku's attention.

Uraraka managed to stop Izuku's mumbling and asked, "So, you guys never told us how you met." Izuku and Leo looked at each other and then replied in sync, "It was a fairytale." Everyone just stared and then turned to Kirishima who was boiling with rage. Leo decided to elaborate, "You see we were trapped in a fairytale as part of a little girl's quirk. She could trap people in storybooks that she touched and they couldn't get out unless all the parts were filled and the people trapped went through the story. Izuku and I were both part of a  story she trapped her family in. Izuku was Cinderella and I was the prince. We of course managed to get through the story and became fast friends." Everyone nodded in understanding. Kirishima seemed to calm down a bit at how they met. Leo and Izuku were relieved until they heard something horrible. "Hey, its you two misters again. Do you want to play?" Leo and Izuku turned rigid and turned around. There she was. It was Alice and she had another story book in her hands!! Izuku and Leo were about to warn the others about the girl's quirk when Ashido came up and touched the book. All the students were engulfed in the bright light and entered the story.

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