Chapter 6: The Hero and the Beast

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Izuku opened up his eyes, He knew that he was in another fairy tale. The question was which one? Izuku looked around to see a tiny town that looked to belong to the eighteenth century. He looked around and saw Kaminari waving at him. Izuku waved back and approached Kaminari. "Midoriya, dude. Are we in a story like you and Leo said you guys were in?" Izuku nodded as Kaminari groaned. "Well, I guess we just have to finish the story. Which one is it?" Izuku was about to explain that he didn't know when he heard Sero call out. He turned and saw Sero approach them, "Hey dudes, guess what? We're in Beauty and the Beast. And the funniest part is Bakugo's playing Gusto. I guess that makes you Belle, Midoriya." Izuku was a bit confused until he looked down and saw his clothing. They were once again better suited for a female, but were okay for him. He had also been carrying a book in his arms the entire time. It made it pretty obvious that he was Belle. Izuku sighed and went off to continue the story, waving goodbye to his friends. As Izuku continued to go into town, he felt the urge to start singing. He then remembered that many stories had singing, though usually in the movie. Izuku figured that Alice's quirk could make the story go as she thought it did. Izuku was about to start mumbling when he began to sing.

After the song ended, Izuku went to what he assumed to be his home. He opened the door to find Leo playing the part off the father. Izuku just shrugged when he saw Leo. They then laughed at how they managed to get stuck in another story so soon. After they followed the events that led to Leo being captured, Izuku began to wonder who was playing the part of the beast. There were not many students that were left unaccounted for. Most of them played as background characters. Izuku thought of all the students that were still unaccounted for. One of them was Kirishima. Izuku slapped himself for thinking that Kirishima was the one has was going to fall in love with. That was when Izuku realized that if Kirishima was the beast, then the story couldn't be played right because Izuku was already in love with him. Izuku slapped himself again for thinking that he would be that unfortunate. However, as Leo entered the castle of the beast, he was met with a less than heartwarming welcome. "Oh, it's you. I figured as much. Now its time to lock you up." Leo looked up to see the red beast. He immediately identified it as Kirishima.

Kirishima had been explained what was happening with them when they entered the story. Uraraka was playing the teapot, Iida the clock and Mineta was the candlestick. Kirishima would have thought they were crazy had he not remembered what Izuku had told them about meeting Leo. Kirishima looked at himself and saw that he was the beast. He used the magic mirror to see who was Belle. To his surprise, it was Izuku. That was when Kirishima became very pleased with the situation. If he was the beast, then that meant that Izuku was going to fall in love with him. Kirishima had to stop himself from jumping in joys. He couldn't wait to have Izuku fall in love with him. Kirishima could only hope that it followed into the real world. As he heard the castle doors open, he went to capture Belle's father. If Kirishima thought that his day couldn't get any better, he was quickly proven wrong. Belle's father was Leo. Kirishima captured him and was extra rough as he threw him in the prison. That's what you get for messing with my Izuku. thought Kirishima as he went on to wait for Izuku to come rescue his father.

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