Me, Myself and I

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11:30 p.m - Outside the Berghof

*WHIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr *step *step *step *step *step *step

I yawned and stretched my arms high up after a very long ride back to Germany. Lance got up from the aerial vehicle and whistled at the clean mansion. However, Dorothy rushed to the clinic to get her bites from the forest cured, but knowing her, she can tough it out either way. As me and Lance, entered the living room, we saw a sleeping Alburo on the couch.

The sniper scratched his head, "That's one of your guys?"

"Yeah~ Once he wakes up, I'll introduce you to him. For now let's go to your room." He shrugged his shoulders, following the general.


Inside the Factory

"Testen des ersten Serums, injizierendes Subjekt jetzt. (Testing the first serum, injecting subject now.)"

*hissssss *burble *burble *burble

"Thema ist ... immer noch fügsam. Obwohl es Anzeichen dafür gibt, dass das Serum funktioniert. Muskeln erweitern sich gerade und die - warten, die Schüler des Faches werden zu einer roten, reptilienartigen Substanz. (Subject is...still docile. Though there are signs of the serum doing it's work. Muscles are currently expanding and the - wait, the pupils of the subject are changing to a red, reptilian substance.)" The novice scientist turned to Archimbald, "Was sollen wir jetzt tun, Herr Archimbald? (What should we do now, Mr. Archimbald?)"

The old man stroked his beard, then approached the controls. He pressed the buttons, ejecting the subject out of his tank. "Hmm, Connor hatte Recht. Dieses Experiment ... ist ein Erfolg. Hoffen wir, dass die psychologischen Auswirkungen dieses Jungen immer noch stabil sind. Bereite die Waffen nur für den Fall vor. (Hmm, Connor was right. This a success. Let's hope the psychological effects of this young boy is still stable. Prepare the weapons just in case.)" The worker saluted and left the room, presumably arming every single individual inside the factory.

*hisssss *cough *cough *cough

As the subject got out of the chamber, Archimbald walked towards him casually, but hiding a pistol behind his back.

"Du bist wach. Gut. Wie fühlst du dich? (You're awake. Good. How do you feel?)"

"Alles ist in Ordnung, wirklich. Mein Körper fühlt sich plötzlich leichter an. Das lässt mich den ganzen Weg laufen lassen. (Everything's fine, really. My body feels lighter all of a sudden. Makes me want to run lapses all the way.)" He replied while taking his clothes and slowly draped himself, but shirt was too tight so he discarded it on the table.

"Was ist dann mit deinem ... Gehirn? Haben Sie gerade irgendwelche Nebenwirkungen? (Then what about your...brain? Are you experiencing any kind of side effects right now?)" He asked.

"Wie ich schon sagte, Herr. Mir geht es gut, es ist nur ein bisschen verschwommen nach diesen vielen Dosen. (Like I said, sir. I'm fine, it's just a bit hazy after that much doses.)" The man placed his palm on top of his head.

"Okay, aber ich werde dich vorübergehend in der Gefängniszelle haben. Es tut mir leid, dass ich das getan habe, aber es sieht nach uns aus. Mach dir keine Sorgen, wir werden dich immer noch wie einen von uns behandeln, obwohl du so aussiehst (Okay, but I'll have you in the prison cell  temporarily. I'm sorry for doing this, but things are looking up for us. Don't worry, we will still treat you as one of us, despite you looking like that.)"

The patient nodded, "Verstanden, Sir. Ich werde gleich dorthin gehen. (Understood, sir. I'll head there right away.)" and walked away, with heavy footsteps slightly shaking the room.

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