Home Is Where the Heart's At

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Five weeks after Archimblad's death - 7:00 p.m - Joaquin's Room


*chic *chic

"Any trace of him?" Alburo asked, lighting a cigarrette then puffed a bit of smoke in the room. The storm outside wasn't exactly helping the progress on their new, yet unexpected mission.

Dorothy shook her head, "Not even a single trace. The soldiers looked everywhere around the compound." She sat down on my bed, legs and arms crossed. After a brief moment she grunted. "This can't be happening. Why would he do this?"

Alburo secretly looked at her, not knowing what the general said to him and Lance back at the cemetery. He scoffed and head for the door. "Sad to say, I have no clue on what's on his mind. But something tells me he just wants some space. Look on the bright side, he left his uniform in the wardrobe." He opened the door and closed in front of her.


Lounge Room

"Oh hey, did Dorothy find anything yet?" Lance repeated his question, sharpening his bowie knife on a bottom part of a ceramic mug. Alburo ignored this uncanny procedure and sat down with him.

"Eh, nothing too. How about you? I assume you are here early because you haven't found any -" The sniper placed the seven folders on the table. "- evidence..." His blinked multiple times to see if it was real or he smoked too much. However, as he browsed through his file and others, one folder seemed to have all of it's contents missing. He looked to Lance as if thinking the same idea. The sniper just shrugged, continuing his business yet he forgot something to say.

"Also, I noticed one Luger pistol was not found in the armory. So yeah, we're thinking the same idea here; One helicopter, one pistol,

 So yeah, we're thinking the same idea here; One helicopter, one pistol,

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and one document missing on a rainy night. To put it simply, he ran off to recruit one by himself -"

"- either to prove he is literally crazy or...to give himself a challenge." Alburo placed both palms in his temples, feeling embarrassed that his perceptive skills are getting rusty. "How in God's name did we not hear the sound of the rotors? Did he even put ear plugs on us? The nerve on that guy!"

"Nope. Didn't you hear you hear what I said? He's doing it all by himself. Clearly he doesn't want us in, still pissed I think. Remember that excavator we found at the compound a week ago? And that stray worker who lost his "sense of directions"?"

Alburo remained wuiet pieceing the events together. As the agent was about to explain everything, the two heard a yell in the bedroom followed by a breakthen they rushed upstairs with their weapons.


With Dorothy

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