Introductions from the Damned

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"Ever since that happened, I'm stuck here forever.", Gian said whilst poking the ground with a pointy stick.

Joaquin averted his gaze a bit, "Never knew how rules work with monsters. Do you feel happy here? Alone?", he asked with a worried tone.

Gian shrugs, "Some days...Simon usually visits once in a while, though he never plays with me. Maybe because of what I did to him. Still, it beats wandering around."

"You mean stabbing in the necktie?", Joaquin smirked.

Gian frowned a little, "Hey, it was just a hunch! Plus I was busy saving that fatso Kyle. If I didn't come in this forest, we would've lived."

Joaquin's smirk faded, "Yet the weather was too much."

The child sighed, "Yup, gotta look stylish before being cursed by eternity, am I right? In your case, insults or at least some efforts are good, before you were stabbed I mean.", he then smiled nervously.

"Oh, uh, thanks, I guess? So what now? Am I gonna be stuck here forever?", Joaquin retorted.

"I think so, yeah."

Joaquin slowly stood up, "But I didn't kill you or whatsoever, I'm supposed to be in hell or heaven!"

"I'd rather be the judge of that."

Joaquin turns around to see a grown up man, wearing the Slenderman suit, except his hands are filled with dark mists and his face is cracked like a vase and its pieces with little gaps.

Gian remained composed ever since he chatted with the general but when the unknown character arrived, he felt as if he wanted something.

"Finally, you talked. If I could only count the years, months, days or hours of how many times you never show up or talk to me - (turns around) Simon.", the child stared at him seriously.

"Glare at me still, child, and you will be sent to that place again."

"Fine, its not like you even care anyway. (points to Joaquin) We got a visitor, talk to him, he recently got the classic treatment.", he said before turning away furiously.

The middle-aged man scanned Joaquin from head to toe then stared at his eyes.

"And who are you? We havent had this much visitors these days. Mostly because of the folklore stories about us."

Joaquin stood up properly then did a military salute, not a Hitler salute. "Joaquin, Joaquin Braun Hitler from the National Socialists. I am currently the chancellor and the general on the organization."


"Back then, my father wanted to lead the organizaton for his own gains, sacrificing his own troops and massacre the ones that believed in God, Unbelievable, I know, but I wonder if I'm doing this the right way once I negotiate with the world."

Simon heard a low nervous gulp from Joaquin, then smiled. "Oh? And why is the chancellor here? On a plane that doesn't exist? A plane where your body has evaporated and your soul...with us? You could've blown that place to Kingdom Come."

Joaquin eased himself down a bit, "First of all, I don't have enough firepower to do it, yet. And second, I'm not a person that ruins Mother Nature despite being occupied by a living horror story that lures, rapes, kills children every now and then. Not to mention the teleporting crap, the weird, thick, slimy, overpowered tentacles which are no match to my troops, even the best of the best. But as for my reason here,"

Joaquin pointed to Gian, who didn't notice due to being emotional, "Is because if him." He then turned to Simon.

"That's why? The signs point to the obvious, Mr. Hitler.", Simon raised an eyebrow.

"Eh, in the end, hindsight's a bitch. I didn't knew he was already cursed. I merely read the folder, ask some people then came here alone. How it should be. Either way, I am dead both ways. At least the weather here is nice, I can stay chill before killing myself over and over.", Joaquin let out a defeated sigh.

"On the contrary is a way out, It's just that it'll take some time.", Simon says

"Hold up, you say there's a way out? Then why is Gian here?", Joaquin replied.

"It was Gian's decision to stay here, his and his alone. I gave him a choice despite being stabbed in my weakest. Never knew why he chose to stay, yet I didn't care either way. That's why I came over, to give you a choice."

Joaquin frowned and lowered his head, "Let's just talk about the way out. I'll talk to him later about that."

Simon nodded, "Agreed. There is an enchanment that resurrects the dead, yet this is special considering I have my purgatory. All souls have known this but their immense psychological disorders have prevented them to make a choice, sending them to whatever realm I please. But since you, the first to choose the rational way, I shall explain; Though it is a simple chant sequence, the ingredients required are not from this Earth."

"Like what?", Joaquin asked,

"Dimensions, Worlds, anywhere that is a separate reality from ours."

Joaquin tapped his foot impatiently, "And?"

Simon gave Joaquin a deadpanned look, "Only the passing of time is difficult for you, boredom will most likely occur. But since you and Gian are here on this plane. I suppose you two can think of a past time."

"No souls? Tasks? No deals?"

Simon turned around, then spawned a door,

"You can theorize anything you want but on thing's for sure; you'll be staying for a long amount of time."

Joaquin sighs as Simon left the plane,

"Why am I always wrapped up into this shit?"


"So he said that, huh?"

Joaquin exclaimed, "Yeah, aren't you pissed off by that?!"

Gian looks down on the dirt, "Hmm, no, not really. I never wanted to leave this forest ever since I chose to be cursed. Furthermore, I don't really think that spell would work on me since I am the new host. But, good for you man."

Joaquin cleared his throat, "Okay, now that I sort of finished my mission. Let's get to know about your...abilities. Plus some tips along way.

Once again, Gian shrugs, "Sure why not."

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