The "Fight" of the Century

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October 20 2014 - Three months after the Gang War Saga - NDF (Nazi Detainment Facility) - Cells 01-08 - Section A

"Hey! Hey! Hey! He's awake now! Finally, we are busting outta here!" Richard happily exclaimed, despite in a prison cell.

"Hnng, the hell? *grunts this is not the base." Benedict slowly got up from the stiff bed. The room was empty and bright, similar to the detention room in the base but the formation wasn't right.

He heard a familiar scoff from the side of the cell, "No shit, Sherlock." He looked to his left side to see a mad Cassandra, chained up. Her robes got shorter on the bottom, showing some leg.

"W-where are we? Why are you chained up?" Till he realized, "Are you into -"

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" She snapped and sighed. "I don't know where the hell are we but my clothes are in tatters. I think some asshole "did it" while I was knocked out. What about you? How come you're here?"

Benedict lowered his head, "I don't know. I risked my lfe on killing the leader of the Knock-Out Kings. Then I was unconscious from my own blast, should've launched it instead."

"Yeah! You thought of that right now? I had to haul your stupid ass back to Richard and the next minute, I got dropkicked by some girl behind the bushes." The archer complained out of nowhere, pouting.

"Heh, you tell me." KC retorted. "I also met a girl wearing some blue jacket on the mountains, had a little talk, then what felt like a butt of a rifle hit me on the head." He then looks at Grace, who was still tired from her power, anxious about her health.

"Hold up, did you say 'blue jacket'?" Johan trying to confirm.

KC only nodded slowly. "A long black hair, blue bomber jacket, camo pants. That's all I can remember."

The archer narrowed her eyes while thinking, "Hmm, maybe it's the same one that kicked me out. And if this is all connected, why?"








On cue, they heard multiple footsteps within the building. Afterwards, the light carefully revealed the mysterious individuals that brought them here altogether. All Guardians threatingly stared at the three, standing outside. Between the two men was Phoebe, her arms crossed and a machete on her waist.

"Had a good sleep? You guys have been out for a long, long time already. And I meant it, really." She replied and looked at Johan and KC. "I know what I did to the both of you and I just wanna say; I'm sorry. There was no other way of bringing you in."

KC scoffed at her apology, "So that whole family segment was a lie? At least you managed to fool me later on with those tears of yours, then you come here and apologize. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I ain't gonna fall for it again, you piece of shit." However, Phoebe had been called worse names than that, remaining unfazed.

"YEAH!" Johan added, "You just wait till we get out of here! I'm gonna show  you how a real dropkick feels like!" She tried to wiggle around the chains, yet failed to release herself. Alburo chuckled at her, it was his turn to respond.

"Young lady, do you even know how to dropkick? Let alone practice even the CQC Basics?" Johan went radio silence. The agent smirked and puffed another cigar, "Hmph, thought so. All you ever do is lie around the couch, train for a few hours and fussing around your rather sophisticated boyfriend most of the time. And here I thought you Guardians were very serious about your silly agenda."

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