Blood is Thicker Than The Water, Thicker Than The Blade

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Back with Joaquin

*creak *SLAM

"Whatever you do, squat on the floor, don't touch anything of my stuff and don't bleed on my bed. I'm going to get something first." Phoebe reminded. As I see simple pictures of her with the foster family and some accessories, a small smile plastered on my face, even though I'm still dying from the injury.

"I have to say, of all the rooms I've entered in my life, which is in my house mind you, this has GOT to be the most -"

"Disgusting? Yeah, Freddy always make fun on it. Don't worry though, I'm not angry or anything, just gotten used to it over the years." She intervened.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "I was going to say different. Most teenagers would immensly decorate their rooms with their "dream boys" and all kinds of unnecessary objects. Mainly because it's too much pink."

Yest she responded by blowing a raspberry, "I'm just going to pretend how you know about that kind of stuff but whatever, you don't understand us women, you sexist. It's better if you leave that topic alone. Besides, I already tried that a long time ago." Phoebe then turned to her drawer to get something. I squat down the floor, slowly to stable the blood pressure and trying not to exert too much force. But as I turned around to face her again, she was holding a machete.


"Oh would you just chill out?! We don't have any scissors around here, okay?! This one will have to do to cut your sleeve, so stay still!" She started cutting the sleeve first slowly. "So, first things first; What's your name?"

"Joaquin Braun Hitler." Just as I responded she gave me the bottle of painkillers, to which I understood the instruction, downing a few pills in my system to ignore the upcoming painful needle and thread treatment. Anticipating sharp pains, I grasped the cloth on the edge of her bed.

"What a name." Phoebe added with sarcasm, while sewing the closing of my wound nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but Dietlind says it connects to my real parents, so I couldn't do anything to change it - Ow!" I felt a deep puncture.

"Next is how did you know about me and the massacre? Crystal Lake is out of the grid. Even if people come here, they won't last long now that those four are here."

"Simple. A guy named Hans did a search by himself, wandering around Crystal Lake during daytime to find some traces from you. This went on a couple of weeks, until the police forced him out of the scene." She then used the gauze to dress my entire wound, despite there are less amount of blood leaking out as long as it isn't infected or worse.

"Hmm, does this Hans wear some sort of "Nazi" armband? 'Cause he looks stupid, considering it's already 2013." Phoebe recalled and asked him.

"Yeah, that's him alright. Though, I didn't knew you have good memory." I concluded just now. However, she shrugged it off like it didn't flatter her.

"Eh, I guess I'm like my mom, which Dad never talks about her at all, though he let me dug through her stuff and memorabilias." Then she used the machete, to cut the tape dangling on my arm, finishing my treatment. "Phew, there you go. Good as new."

I stroked the smooth gauze that's holding the cut intact, "Thanks a lot. Although, I feel like you need more answers and you're not letting me go that easy." She nodded and sat on the bed, looking at me like a threat.

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