Frozen in the ice

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"What the hell." "Where the fuck am I?" I shouted loudly to the three silhouetted figures before me. I was in a daze. Cold too. Once I finally came to my senses, I looked around the room. It was dark, and there seemed to be some sort of equipment lying around. Suddenly a deep voiced black male sat infront of me. "Son." He said to me softly, as in trying to break news to me. "You've been frozen in ice for 60 years." "Now I have no idea how you even survived, or how you got there in the first place, but the important thing is that you are alive." "I can't believe this!" I raised my voice in anger. "Ok, prove it to me big guy." I made a jab at the head honcho of the group to see if he was really serious. He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a phone, more advanced than I've ever seen, and showed me the date. May 5th, 2078. "What the hell." I muttered. I wasn't about to believe it was 2078 yet. "Well can I leave now?" "I'm still alive you know!" One of the guys walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. "Yeah, I'll drive you where you wanna go." As we walked outside, I began to try to remember what had happened so many years ago. I felt as if I had amnesia. "So where do you wanna go kid?" He asked me nonchalantly. "To the airport." I replied. "You sure?" He asked. "Sure as hell." I defiantly said back. He took that answer and motioned me over to his car. Mid size, about the same as a cab. But it would have to do. We drove on for a while, until we reached the airport. "Thanks for the ride." I told him. "No problem." He said as he sped away. I stared blankly at the airports entrance. One of the things I didn't forget was that I need money for the plane ticket. I quickly rummaged my pockets and found about 270,000 yen. I have no idea why I was carrying so much, but regardless it still bought me a trip back to Japan. I slept most of the flight there. The flight attendant had to wake me up when we landed. Once I navigated through the crowded Tokyo airport, I stepped outside the entrance doors and breathed the cool afternoon air. I started to come across a problem once I started thinking. My problem was that I only remembered that I lived in Japan, not where I lived. I decided to go to a ramen restaurant for a bite and to think. I had about 1500 yen. I guess I could get by with that one meal until then. Once I got my bowl and started to eat the ramen, something came and sat in my booth. "I'm an idiot." I thought to myself. "I should've got a private booth." I didn't pay him any mind and continued eating. He ordered them looked at me. I looked up at him. "So, you a foreigner?" He asked in broken English. I replied in Japanese. "I can speak japanese just fine thank you." "Oh, you seem very fluent in the language." He said. I didn't reply. "Well hey." "I'm Kaito." "What's up." I said back to him. "I'm Yuuto." I always hated my name. I never knew why, I just did. We chatted for a while, and then we both finished and paid. "Want to come to my place." He asked. "We can play games and watch anime." "You know, that kind of stuff." "I'm not really that popular, but you've been nice to me." "Well, it isn't any different from what I used to do, so that's a yes." I told him. Did I really have any choice? I had nowhere else to go. We walked back to his apartment, housed in a tall two story building in the outskirts of Tokyo. "Nice place you got here." I told him. "Thanks for letting me stay." "No problem dude." He said. "It isn't like anybody else is itching to come over to my apartment." After we played a few games and watched some anime, it was getting late, so I decided to go to bed. I walked over to Kaito and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm beat. I'm going to bed." "Goodnight." He told me. "Goodnight." I replied back. I plopped down on the air mattress Kaito had set up for me. He seems like a nice guy with a lot of heart, but not a lot of people seem to take interest in him. I thought about different things and tried to think about before I was frozen, and then I dozed off. I awoke to the glaring sun coming through the window panes of the apartment. I saw Kaito making breakfast. "Yo." I called him. "Hey, what's up?" he replied. "Can I uhh, stay here for a little bit, to you know, get back on my feet a little bit?" "I recently dropped out of university and I've been a little short on money." I lied about my story to convince him. "Sure! Anything for a friend of mine." I could tell Kaito hadn't had a lot of friends."Thanks." I told him. "No sweat bro." He said back. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked him. "Ehh, I figure we'll just walk around Tokyo city and go into shops or something." "Sounds fun." I replied. After we quickly ate breakfast, we took the train to Tokyo city. The tall buildings reminded me of something, but I couldn't recall what. We walked through the city, occasionally popping in and out of shops, observing what they had for sale. Then, as me and Kaito walked past an alley, we heard screaming. "I need to go check that out." I said. "They might need help!" "You go do that." Kaito said. "I'll watch from here." I disregarded my cowardly new friend and rushed down the alleyway. I saw a girl with golden flowing hair, orangish-pink at the ends, with horns coming off her head, being attacked by three bandits, trying to steal what was in her bag. I had to help her. I walked over to the three bastards. "Hey you three, it isn't nice to beat up on girls you know." I said. "Who the fuck are you?" They shouted. "The guy who's gonna kick your ass." I replied. One of the guys ran at me. I ducked down and grabbed his legs, throwing him to the ground. The two remaining guys lined up on both sides of me, one on each. I kicked the guy in front in the face, and then backflipped off his shoulders and kicked the guy behind me in the face. "Woah, I didn't know I could do that." I said, looking down at my hands. The girl approached me. "Um, thank you sir." She said nervously. "No problem." I replied. She waved as she walked away into the crowd that had formed to watch the fight. They clapped for me. I couldn't help but hear Kaito cheering for me. "Wooh hooh!" "I know him!" He shouted excitedly. The only thing I could think about was that girl. I swear I know her, but I can't remember her name, or why I do.

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