The Full Moon Dance

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Request from @TheCosmicPony334

"Dad, Rapunzel, what are you doing?" you asked walking up behind the two of them. 

"Nothing," Rapunzel said. 

"Really?" you responded. "It's funny how describe talking to an enchantress as nothing." You crossed your arms. 

"Were just preparing something special for the ball," Fredric said. 

"Is it too late to cancel?" you asked. 

"Yes," they both said. You groaned. 

"Come now, (Y/n)," Fredric said. "At your age you should have husband."

"I don't see why it matters," you said. "Rapunzel is the eldest, so she's going to be queen. She's already with Eugene, which basically confirms that there will be king and queen and possibility for a new heir to the throne. I'm just going to stay a princess."

"It isn't just about heirs or a king and queen," Fredric said. "We just want to make sure that you're taken care of and provided for."

"I'm a princess," you said. "I'm already pretty provided for. I positive I don't need a husband for any of that."

"But don't you want ti have something like Eugene and I do?" Rapunzel asked. 

"In all honesty," you said. "Not really."

"You're just going to have to come to terms with this," Fredric said. "The ball is happening tonight, and we expect you to chose a husband."

You sighed and left the room. You stormed through the halls of the castle and headed for a special room. You reached the door and carefully creaked it open. "Varian?" you softly called. 

"Hey, (y/n)," Varian said appearing out of seemingly nowhere. You walked up to him without saying a word and laid your forehead on his chest. 

"I take it your in some sort of distress," Varian said. 

"My family wants me to get a husband at the ball tonight," you said. "I have an even worse feeling that they are bringing magic into this."

"Hey," Varian said giving you a hug. "It'll be alright. You know I could, uh, come to the ball with you to protect you from the perverts."

"Really?" you said looking at him with joy in your eyes.

"Sure," Varian said. "Besides, even royal alchemists need breaks, right?"

"Thanks," you said wrapping your arms around Varian's neck and hugging him before leaving his lab. 


The ball had been going on for a little while, and Varian still hadn't shown up. You still hoped he would show up, but you had to admit you were losing your faith as time passed. 

"(Y/n), Arianna said walking up to you with a man next to her. "I'd like you to meet Prince Marco."

"It is an honor, milady," Marco said with a bow. 

"Pleasure," you forcefully said. Him calling you that felt uncomfortable. Only Varian had ever called you that. 

"Why don't the two of you dance a little, hmm?" Arianna said before walking away. 

Marco smirked and held out his hand. "Shall we?"

"I suppose," you said taking his hand and following him onto the dance floor. Your dance was a little awkward, considering how stiff you were. 

As you continued to dance with Marco, you looked up at the ceiling to see what looked like a crescent moon carved into it. There seemed to be a strange red light slowly making its way across the design. You rose a brow at it feeling confused. 

You suddenly felt someone grab your wrist and pull you back. You looked up to see Varian holding you in a dip. "Varian?" you said as a red light appeared on the two of you. Varian didn't think much of it. He just brought you back up and danced with you. You noticed that the red light followed the two of you around until you ended the dance when it vanished, and the room was back to its normal lighting. 

"(Y/n)." You and Varian looked over at your parents and Rapunzel. They all looked surprised about something. 

"Is something wrong?" you asked. 

"Quite the opposite," Arianna cheerfully said. 

"You found your future husband!" Rapunzel happily said. 

"Future husband?" you said looking at Varian with your cheeks lighting up. 

"The blood moon has connected your souls to never be separated until the end of time," Arianna said. 

It turns out magic did play a role in that night. You and Varian ended up getting married within a year. The two of you were barely ever separated. You both always were intimate with one another. And you rarely ever fought. You two were the power couple of Corona. The blood moon truly did connect you two. 

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