My unrequited love..

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When I first saw him I was 8 years old. I got my periods in 6th standard and that's when all the hormones kicked in and I fell in love, but I crashed too hard. Manik never loved me back . He was popular , hot , smart , and off course he had more social media friends than I ever had. And that's where it hurts because I was never that girl who saw outer beauty , my primal focus was inner beauty.
I didn't fall for his face . Never. I was his friend when he wasn't popular and I had seen him laugh and cry when he was new when no one could decipher him .
And from the past year he had stopped talking to me. The reason is still unclear or maybe he faked his friendship . Fuck, I reached my stop and there he was , standing all glorious . That bastard!

Kahani..... my mother called my name as I was staring at Manik.  Have a good day and don't talk too much in class. She gave me all those silly instructions as I got out of my car to the bus stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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