Chapter one

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My name is Brooke Bolton I'm 17 years old and my life is great. I have straight A's and a super hot boyfriend! This Sunday is mine and Evans one year anniversary, he said he has something very special planned and I think I have an idea of what it is. Ya see I'm still a virgin and Evan has been dropping hints that he wants to have sex for the past month but honestly I don't think I'm ready. But we can put a pin in that till later.


I woke up early Monday morning and groaned cause I realized I had school today. So I got up got dressed, did my makeup, ate breakfast, then waited for Evan to pick me up for school. Evan has been picking me up from school since we were juniors because he lives right down the road from me and got his license before I did and asked if I needed a ride when I was walking to school. The rest is history.

When Evan got there I got in the car.

"Hey babe" he says pecking me on the lips "hey" I say still groggily from the early morning. We drove to school the same way we always do. Him talking, because he's the early bird in our relationship, and me sitting there grunting along to him. Schools about 10 minutes away from us so I kinda zoned him out and just sat there in a daze, then I felt someone shake my shoulder, it was Evan. "Hey Brooke! Did you hear me? Of course you didn't you never do. Any way I said, are you ready for Sunday?" I had to think for a second then I realized what he was talking about. Our anniversary. "Oh yea! So ready! So what's our plans?" "Spoilers!" He says quoting one of our favorite tv show, Doctor Who. "Ugh fine but it better be good! No pressure though!" I say winking. Unfortunately I realized we were in the school parking lot so we got out of the car and walked into the school together and we got out our books and started to part our ways, since we had different first period classes. I started to walk away then he ran up behind me and grabbed my hips and kissed me really hard, them we started to make out. I started to pull away and he said "no no just be late. Or we could get outta here and ditch" we were still kissing and I was just about to say let's get outta here but then I thought, no. I can't skip class I have to keep my grades up because I have to keep this Tulane scholarship. So I said "sorry babe gotta go to hell." "Ugh okay, you and your grades, ya know what? Sometimes I hate your scholarship." I laughed and turned away. "Meet me in the garden free period!" He shouts, "okay!" I shout back.

I walked into class with a smile on my face, and a tardy slip in my hand! Now that I think about it it's probably worth it. After all it is one class. I take my seat and look at the board to start taking notes.

Class went by fast as well did science, math, then it was lunch. Hallelujah praise The Lord! I sat down by Evan and pecked a kiss on his lips "so did I hear you correctly, or did Evan Levine? Star football player? Say to meet ME in the garden free period? Oh my gosh! This is like the best day ever! OMG! Asdfghjkl!!!" I say sarcastically. "Hahaha very funny! And yes you did, I have a surprise." "Oooooooo what is it???" "You ask a lot of questions you know?" "I do! Now tell me!" "Ummmmm.. no! Spoilers!!" "Ugh! Your so annoying!" I say taking a bite of my sandwich "yes I do! And you still love me!" He says and pecks my cheek. "Whatever!" I say and leave. "Where are you going?!" "Outside! I'm done!" "We'll hold up!" He says throwing his apple in the trash. I turn to him and put my hand on my hip while he comes over and pecks me on the lips. "Okay! Now you can go!" I left cause I didn't feel like being annoyed with him.


I walk outside and see my best friend, Isabella. She comes up, "OMG hey Brookie! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! Even though it's been a weekend but omg I heard it's yours and Evans one year Sunday!......" As she drowns on and on I can't help but wonder what Evan was planning for me later. "Hey! Hey Brookie! Listen so tonight there's this party at Nolan's and we just HAVE to go-I'm gonna stop you right there!" I said. "Isabella you know I don't go to parties on school nights! I'm not gonna risk ruining this-scholarship I know I know! Tulane, full ride, important, blah blah blah!" She said. " you have to come! I mean comeon for once in your life don't be such a goodie goodie!" Ugh she's being really annoying. "If I say he's will you stop pestering me?" "YES!" Fine I'll go!" "Yay! I love you! Gotta get to class girl! Ta-ta!" Whatever only history then free period.

History went by fast and I ran to my locker to put my books up. And there was a rose on my locker and it said "come to the garden!" And then I noticed the rose petals on the ground I followed them and there in the garden was....

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