Fanfiction/Copyright Information and Dedication

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When Claire Ogner, a sixteen year old student at the Foxfield Academy for Girls, convinces her shy brother, Jonathan, to attend the brother school of Foxfield, Vernon Academy, both of their lives have dramatic and interesting changes. Jonathan's charming roommate at the prep school, Skip Burroughs, turns out to be an issue with his sorry pranks, but peace is soon made between Skip and the Ogners. A group of between the schools friends form, five Vernon guys and five Foxfield girls. Skip eventually wins over Claire and they begin to date. Jonathan gets sent into Chicago by Claire and Skip to learn the ropes of romance, before he ruins all of their friend's reputations. But what will happen if the mystery woman Jonathan falls in love with is actually closely related to Skip?

This story is a spinoff of the 1983 movie Class. You will not need any background knowledge before reading this fanfiction, it is actually a retelling with a few added elements to the story. Feel free to watch the full film on Youtube or read a full summary on Google.

Specific characters and dialogue belongs to the writers and producers of Class. I do not claim those characters and dialogue as my own, as most of the story belongs to me, but the writers and producers are directly responsible for specific characters/dialogue. Thanks to everyone who helped produce this incredible film, it is July 6th, 2014 as I type this and it is also the 31st anniversary of this movie's release!

this story is dediacted to my mother, who in every possible way deserves something of this importance dedicated to her. she is one of the strongest people on the entire planet and i'm one of the few lucky people out of ths seven billion in the world to be in her life. she encouraged me to write when i was seven and she encourages me to write today. this is for you :)

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