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"Spoken Words"
David's POV
After trekking through the forest and some mountains, we would finally arrive at my home "Is this where you live David? Kinda out of the way, don't out think?"
"Yeah, and I like it being in the middle of nowhere because it allows me to do some rather noisy things...some of the things I do make a lot of noise...such being some of the rituals or magic I can use..."
"Can you give me an example?"
"Well, one was when I summoned the Devil...and their actually really nice...and their a girl believe it or not..."
"Yeah, I asked her if it would be possible if she were to teach me how to summon a Summon."
"But...if you summoned the Devil, wouldn't they ask for something in return?"
"Yep, I allowed her to test out her own new magic spell, I told her I'd summon her back once I find out if it worked."
"What was it supposed to do?"
"I...I would rather not tell you." "Maybe at a later date?"
" how about we go inside?" "Sure." Rebecca would then help me walk inside and would set me on the couch while she walked away to do who knows what

Kitana's POV
I would see the two enter and I would stay in my hiding spot, casually sitting in a dark corner while eating some chocolate, I would also listen to their entire conversation
"So...guess I'm going to be here until my feet heal up, they still feel so numb from that Ice Magic...well it could of been worse I guess." He would then sigh and I'd leave my corner and sit next to him
"If you were in trouble, you could of just called my name you know, then I would try and find you..."
"Now you tell me this... would of been helpful when I was kidnapped a little bit ago, luckily Rebecca was there to save my ass."
"Well, at least you weren't killed...that would of sucked for me..."
"Why, because then our contract would be over?"
"That and the fact that it would be humiliating to me and my status as a Summon, not even around for a week and the person I was supposed to protect was killed..."
"Well I'm sure happy that I didn't humiliate you because that would of been the end of the world." I could smell the sarcasm from that...smelled like butter, then the Rebecca girl walked back into the room holding three cups of some unknown liquid
"Oh, seems Kitana got out of her corner. Here, have some Hit Chocolate, it's cold up here..." She would hand me and David a cup of Hot Chocolate, he would drink his without questioning it
"Thanks Becca, this definitely feels nice."
"Not a problem, now what do you think of it Kitana?"
I would then take a sip, "This, this tastes like chocolate!" Then those two would start laughing at me
"Well I'm sorry that I've never had Hot Chocolate before..."
"It's alright Kitana, your sure to have a lot of it since you live with me here."
Rebecca would then smile "Hey David, is it alright if I chill here for a little bit before I head home?"
"Sure, I don't see why not."

Rebecca's POV
<Yes, I'm going to stay here for a bit!>
I would walk back into the other room and start to do a little jig before returning to the room where the other two are
"So, what do you typically do here David?" Kitana would walk into the other room, and I would hear grunting from there
"What is she doing?"
"Probably using the training dummies."
"Oh, I guess that makes sense...but can you answer my question?"
"Yeah, I typically practice my Blood Magic and other magic that I have, besides that, I read books. I know, my life is so interesting and fun."
"Yeah...I could tell the sarcasm from here...but want to maybe make snow angels outside?"
"The snow kinda melts quick when I'm home, my house is kinda like a furnace when I'm home, so all the snow nearby melts."
"Oh, so there goes that idea..."
"But...why did you want to kill her, that lady who abducted me?"
"Because people shouldn't randomly kiss you or just take you to random places after knocking you out..."
"I feel like there's something your leaving out..."
"There isn't, now...can I read a book with you perhaps?"
"Sure, just sit right next to me and we can read this new one I got."
"What is it called?"
"PMD: Time Gears, I just started and it gets pretty good start from the start."
"Cool." I would then sit right next to him, but I'd put my head on his shoulder

David's POV
Rebecca would set her head on my shoulder as we began to read the book "Pretty good, isn't it?"
"Meh, could be better...a LOT better, I have definitely read better than this."
"I-I see...well I'm sure that they will definitely work on it..." <Good thing I didn't let her see the author, otherwise she'd know I made the book...I think I may not show her the other two.> (Yes, I did just do that, I have made my OC "make" the other stories, and as I write this, a cat has jumped into my back and is kneeding my skin...pain, quite a lovely thing)
"Why did you stutter at the start?"
"What do you mean, I didn't stutter."
"Must of been my imagination then..."
"Perhaps, but how about we move onto the next thing at hand then?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know..."

Kitana's POV
I've been listening into their conversation as I trained, and quite frankly, it's rather hilarious, I couldn't help but start to laugh "Seems that he's truly hopeless at romance... can't even pick up at her subtle hints. If I was that thick-headed, I...I don't know what I'd do..."
"So David...want to maybe cook something then? Also...why did your pants fall down...and why is your belt cut in half?"
" that's why they fell down, she must of cut my belt!"
"It ain't that big of a deal, I can always make another one..."
<Even I think that's a tad, it's just his clothes, he's not dead or something of the sort.>
"Rebecca... please, don't just make threats on people's wellbeings..."
"Fine...but she will get some sort of punishment regardless!"
"Fair enough...I think I may just take a nap here though...kinda tired and I don't know why..."
"Okay, then sleep well then, see you later then."
"Yeah, see you when I do." The sound of a door opening and closing would be heard and I'd return to the room where David was asleep, I'd lay down next to him and cuddled him with my fur so he would be warmer in this weather as I too, soon fell asleep

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