Chelsea's Trap

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David's POV
I would wake up in my bed with Rebecca next to me, I'd get up without waking her up and walk outside to get some fresh air " I am, once again...well at least I know that since I'm right here...I know that I'm safe..."
"Or so you think!" Then a hand with a rag covered my mouth and I would suddenly feel as if I was slipping away from this world "Sweet dreams~"

Rebecca's POV
I would wake up and notice that David wasn't where he was originally so I went to see if I could find him somewhere "David, you here?"
"Rebecca, why are you shouting?"
"Trying to find David...have you seen him Kitana?"
"I have not...but I'll see if I can...I can't sense him...why is that?!"
"Does that mean he was..."
"Kidnapped... again...SO LET'S FIND HIM!" We would then rush out of the house to see a ribbon on the ground...the one he wears around his head
"Oh no...I think she struck again..." "Kitana, we have to haul ass now!"
We would then charge off in an effort to find David

Chelsea's POV
I would tie David to a wall while I set up my trap, a death trap for those two hussies that seem like there always there with him "Let's see how they like this~"
After an unknown amount of time passed, they'd arrive and walk in "Okay Kitana, he's here somewhere! I'll check the left while you go right!"
"Okay, we'll meet in the middle then!"
"Sounds like a plan!"
"Those foolish girls, they've just signed their own death warrant!"

Kitana's POV
I would be checking the right side of the abandoned mansion and found a strange piece of paper with some writing words and a number on it "This place will- and be one of your- 9..." I better show this to Rebecca!" I would then run towards the center

Rebecca's POV
After exploring my side, I found a piece of paper that I'd read on my way back "Cause you to lose your mind- graves, for only one of you can live, 6..." Maybe Kitana has the other words!" I would take off to the center

Chelsea's POV
After the two arrived in the center, they'd read the two papers and numbers "This place will cause you to lose your mind and will be one of your graves, for only one of you can live, 69..."
"I don't like the sound of that Kitana..."
"Nor do I...this is a rather cryptic message of you ask me..."
"Let's hope that this is talking about something else..."
"I agree with you there..."
I would the push a button and they'd fall through a trap door that I set up and down they fall to the room where only one of them could live

David's POV
I would wake slowly and see Kitana and Rebecca on the ground getting up and dusting themselves off before seeing me and starting to run towards me
The two of them would stop in their tracks and a manical laugh would echo through the room
C:"Well done David, I knew there was something special about you~"
R:"What do you want with him!?"
K:"He isn't one to give into your demands!"
C:"I know, that's why I decided to make him a deal...if he agrees to be my servant until I tire of him, you both will live...but if he refuses, one of you WILL die~"
"You wouldn't!"
C:"I would~"
"Run you two! Get out of here!"
R:"We aren't leaving you here chained to a wall!"
K:"She doesn't scare me at all!"
C:"Oh, seems your attempt at saving both of their lives ended in vain, so who should go..."
I would hear a click and the floor we were standing on suddenly started to spin, luckily I was chained to a wall so I was stuck in place, but the girls weren't so lucky
R:"This is staring to make me a tad nauseous..."
K:"We have let's hurry up!"
C:"Oh...guess I should hit the next button then~" I would hear another sound and now needles started to shoot straight up from the floor, trying to impale the girls
"Hurry and get out of here!"
R:"No can do! We'll just- woah!"
She and Kitana would dodge in the nick of time before continuing to speak R:"We'll just keep dodging these until we get you down!"
K:"I agree with that..." Then a spike from the wall went flying towards them both, Rebecca would dodge it...but Kitana wasn't so lucky
She would screech in pain as the slime shot through her and stuck her to a wall, then the chains holding me would snap and I'd run with Rebecca to Kitana
"N-no... please don't leave me... Kitana... I'll try to heal you, so don't move okay!"
R:"Y-yeah, you'll be fine in a moment!"
K:"You two are terrible liars...I know I'm-" She'd cough out blood before speaking again "I-I know that...this is where I'll fall...just. . . . .promise me. . . . . .that you'll take care of him. . . . . . . . .okay Rebecca. . . . . . . I'll be back some day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
Her eyes would then close and her head fell to her chest, she died in front of us "K-Kitana...why...why did this have to happen...if only...if only we listened... then...then this could of been avoided..."
C:"Yes it could, now take a nap slimy!"
Fumes would then fill the room, they wouldn't effect me but Rebecca soon fell asleep "What did you do to her!?"
C:"Relax... she's only sleeping unlike the one in the...why is she dissolving?"
I would turn my.hewd around and sure enough...Kitana was dissolving into particles of light that dispersed into nothingness
"N-no...Kitana...fine... I'll do whatever you want...just promise that you won't hurt Rebecca!"
C:"Good boy, now I'll send her to your house while I take you to my place, just put that blindfold over your eyes and I'll walk you it?"
I would sigh and do as she asked, then a platform opened up and Rebecca fell in before raising back up in a cart of a sort that proceeded to push her back to my house I assumed, then I'd tie the blindfold
"Okay...I'm ready, so let's go then..."
C:"So impatient, I love it~" She would grab my arm and lead me to some unknown place

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