The Crimson Blade

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"Spoken Words"
David's POV
I'd wake up with a yawn and look to my side to see Rebecca there, pressed up against my side and holding me close to her <Guess she must of gotten really cold if she's this close to me...> I would slowly try and escape her grasp so I wouldn't wake her up, only to fail miserably with her opening her eyes and looking at me "What are you doing, David?" "Just trying to get up and use the restroom before I get started with making some breakfast...why do you ask?" "Just curious is all..."

Rebecca's POV
After he entered the bathroom, I'd walk over to the kitchen, and on the way there, I saw Kitana still passed out on the sofa <She's really gonna be like that for a while...maybe I'll draw a mustache on her?> I would grab a black marker and would move my hands over her face, only for her to open her eyes "What do you think your doing?" "What...oh ummmmm... nothing!" "You were about to dry on my face...I can tell by the look on your face..." "Fine, you got did you wake up that fast though?" "Instincts..." I'd shrug and walk back to the kitchen where I would start to make some food, to be exact...his favorite~ "Okay, let David know that breakfast is ready; Bacon, eggs, toast, and hashbrowns..." "Okay..." She would walk into my room and a suprised yelp would be heard "What's going on in there!?" Then I see Kitana walk out with David on her shoulder

Kitana's POV
After leaving the sofa to fetch David, I would walk into Rebecca's room and hear David in the bathroom, I open the door to see him I the nude, changing clothes, he'd let out a sharp yelp "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KITANA?!" "Fetching get dressed..." I'd make him finish getting dressed in front of me before throwing him onto my shoulder "I can walk you know..." "I don't care... Rebecca asked me to fetch you, so I did." We'd walk out, well I walked out, and Rebecca asked us what was going on "I was fetching him..." "I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF CHANGING!" "I still honestly don't care..." Rebecca would then start laughing "So wait, you opened the door and saw him nude? That's kinda hilarious, that means he made that yelp!" "I-it's not funny! Would you like it if I opened the door to interrupt you changing?!" "You do know that I only wear clothes when your here...right? So that wouldn't really effect me..." He would begin blushing heavily "J-just set me down Kitana..." "Sure..." Kitana would set him down and he'd walk over to a chair and would sit down, as would she, I'd join them after setting down the plates, after we finished eating, we'd then take off

David's POV
<This is by far, the worst morning I've least breakfast was good...> "So me and Kitana are gonna head out to the Precarious Woods, so we'll see you around Rebecca." "Actually...mind if I tag along?" "Sure...I guess if you want to then..." "Yes!" She'd fist the air before tagging along with us to the Precarious Woods

???'s POV
I would be sitting in my tree when I saw a strange trio walk into the forest
<Wonder what their up to?> I would then return to reading my novel as they walked by

David's POV
"So here we are...the Precarious I'll be collecting some herbs because I'm starting to run low on some..." Kitana would nod and leap off somewhere <Where could she be going? Oh well, I'm sure I'll see her soon...> "So David, what kinda are you looking for?" "The typical stuff; Basil, Chives, the like..." "Okay, I'll let you know if I see any then." "Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate it." "Just call me Becca, okay?" I would nod "Okay Becca, see you when you find some then." "Same to you!" We'd then head off our separate ways on the search for some herbs "Hey, here's some Basil, that's nice..." I'd store it into the Pocket Storage where I keep all my herbs and other stuff, but afterwards, I heard a strange sound from behind me, I turn around and see an arrow flying at me, I'd try to get out of the way, only for it to pierce my shoulder, making me yelp

Rebecca's POV
I would of just started searching for herbs for David when I heard him yelp in pain "David?!" I would then start running off towards where I heard his cry, and after I arrive I see him standing near a tree and rip an arrow out of his shoulder, and rather than his blood poor from the wound, it'd began to float towards his right hand and change shape into a sword (The Picture Up Top!) and swing it at another arrow that flew by, slicing it in two "Stop hiding in the trees and fight me already!" "As you wish~" A small group of bandits appear <They...they don't look like bandits though...what are they?>

David's POV
"So...only five of you?"
B1:" forgot the guy who s-" Then a sharp scream of pain was heard, the Archer was dead, Blood Magic has it's perks after all~ "As I I was saying...five..."
B2:"He killed John!"
B5:"Get him!"
The small force of bandits would then charge me, I'd easily cut down two of them while jumping away from the others' attacks "Are you bandits supposed to be stronger than that?"
B1:"We ain't bandits... we're poachers...and your fur would sell quite well on the market pretty boy~"
P3:"So just stand there and let us kill you!" The remaining Poachers would then rush me, and again I'd dodge, one of them scraping my arm, I'd use that blood to form a Kunai and throw it into the third one's eyes, killing him as well "So... aren't you supposed to beat the poor defenseless Kitsune~" I would act all frail and helpless before throwing my Blood Sword into the second one's abdomen, and watch as he fell to the ground and bleed to death
P1:"Well it seems that you just threw away your only weapon~" "So you think..." I would have that blood that was on the ground all around us start to float up and change into a giant needle, which I then threw at the last Poacher, and watched it impale him to a tree "Well...seems that those guys were a pushover...kinda least I was able to find some herbs."

Rebecca's POV
After watching him kill all those men, I slowly approached him and put my hand on his shoulder, he'd then jump and turn around, already forming another Kunai before realizing it was me "Rebecca? How much of that did you see?" "All of it...are you okay?" "Yeah, I've been through worst...and don't worry, I'm not bleeding anymore either." I would look at his injuries and see that some blood was already harden there "How though?" "Blood Magic... that's how." "I see, but are you sure your alright?" He'd nod his head "Yeah Rebecca, I'm fine...I mean...Becca...sorry about that." "Your fine, also here's some herbs I found, and please don't do anything too reckless like that again." "I can't make any promises Becca, you know that..." The herbs in his hand would then vanish and he'd lower his hand then "Where did they go?" "I stored them for later, don't worry, I have them...well can you find your way out or would you like some help with that?" "I got it all under control, so don't worry about that David." "Okay, be safe though, you hear!?" "I hear ya, take care now!" I would then leave the Precarious Woods as I waved goodbye to him

David's POV
"Okay, time to head ho-!" I would then have something thrown over my mouth and I'd start to lose consciousness "David? You ok-?" I would hear Rebecca day that before fully losing consciousness

Rebecca's POV
After hearing him stop speaking entirely, I turn around and see him being hit with chloroform and then the strange figure would jump off with him "DAVID!" I would try to give chase but would quickly lose track of them "No, nononono...this... isn't good. Not even Kitana is here... he's... he's going to be fine, I know it..." I would then start running in the same direction that I've been running in for quite some time, hoping that I'd find him

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