A Strange Place

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Kitana's POV
I would wake up next to David and would get up, after I got up, I headed to the kitchen to make some omelettes for the two of us, after I finished making them, I heard him yawn from the other room, which I then walked over to him and put a plate in front of him
"Eat, or else you won't be able to keep your strength up..."
"Oh, thanks Kitana...I appreciate it."
We would promptly eat in silence, though for some reason he kinda looked at me in a funny manner "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Well... typically when you eat with someone, you don't do it in absolute silence..."
"I see, I'll make a note of that." I would pull out my notebook and write it down for future reference, and after I looked back up, he was surrounded by a slightly reddish light
"Why are you glowing red?"
"What do you mean?"
"Look at yourself...your red..." He would look at his arms and his eyes widen "The hell?!"
"I don't think that this is from hell to be honest..." Then the red glow would get brighter until the point I couldn't even look at him directly, then suddenly, a popping sound came from nowhere and he vanished "DAVID!"

David's POV
After that pop, I was suddenly in a weird cavern that was covered in crystals, no matter which direction you looked, there were crystals "Where...am I...and how did I get here?"
After no hearing any sort of a response, I then start to traverse the area, hoping I could find my way out "This place seems like it never ends..."
After a while, I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see that no one was there "That...was odd...well I think... I'm just gonna keep on walking then."
I would continue walking for another five minutes when once again, a hand made itself known on my shoulder, this time when I looked, I saw a pair of gloves on my shoulder, one's adorned with crystals

"This...is certainly strange...well thank you mysterious being for the gloves!" I didn't receive a reply luckily as I put them on my hands and continued to walk forth through this mysterious place

Rebecca's POV
I was chilling at my house when suddenly, I heard banging at my door "Give me a minute!"
I would then set down the article of clothing that I stole from him and put it in a hidden compartment inside the couch as I walk towards the door and opened it, revealing Kitana "Why are you here?"
"I think someone kidnapped David again, and I can't warp to his location!"
"He was surrounded in some strange red light that got louder and then I heard a pop and he was gone!"
"So, the person who stole him is obviously some sort of magic user...so it could be that girl from the other day!"
"I don't think so, he had really cold feet, I feel like that would be all she had because that had to be pretty powerful if David couldn't even warm himself up from it..."
"So there goes my only suspect...any ideas where he could of be warped to?"
"No, and if I did, I would of went straight there instead of here!"
"Good point, now come on, let's find him!" I would grab Kitana's hand and would pull her out of my house after locking the door, and then start running in a random direction with her

David's POV
"Well...this place is certainly beautiful to say the least...and not to mention that I don't think I've had better tasting water than that either..." I would once again feel something on my shoulder, but this time, it hurt really bad which made me yelp, I turn my head and see a sword in my shoulder
"Well that certainly explains the pain..." I would pull out the sword and look at it

"Well... probably the coolest thing I've yanked out of me..." I would throw the sword on my back and start walking again as my Blood Magic started to seal my wound and repair the damage
"So...I have crystal gloves and a crystal sword... what's next, a giant floating crystal that tells me my destiny or something?"
I would chuckle at my stupid joke and continue walking in the same direction
<As if something like that would happen... that's something straight from a game!>

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