Where...Where Am I?

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and I know, it's been a long time since I've wrote an actual chapter for this story, but yeah. It's time for us to start once more, and well...it's going to be a bit different as well, I won't be adding any girls unless you all request them, or even your own OCs, so just a heads up! Also, I'm giving a shout-out to a special guy who convinced me to start over, and his OC is going to make an appearance as well. Sonicx345


I started to wake up, but...something wasn't right. I-I don't recognize this place, where am I? What happened to the...wait...what...what were their names?! Why can't I recall them?! I then hurried and got off the bed I was resting in, the sheets seemed to be stained with...blood, I know that smell...wherever I am, it isn't good...

I then walked towards one of the two doors that were present in the room I was in, I opened the one that was farthest away from me, and I saw that it was a bathroom? I reached for where I thought a light switch would be, only to find nothing there, so with a sigh I held out my hand and tried to form fire in my palm...but nothing appeared? Where is my magic?! Wait...I should have at least something on me that can produce light...not to forget about the Pocket Storage, yeah, I can pull something out of there.

I then reach in front of me, trying to connect to it...and trying to pull something out...but...but I can't sense it, I can't feel anything there, what's going on?! Has someone sealed my powers, or...did something major happen... I then move my hands around until I hit something that felt like a switch, then I flipped it and light started to shine in the room I was in, I was standing in front of a mirror...wait...what...what happened...to me?

I-I have...my silver hair and fur...it's gone, my fur's now orange, my hair is brown...my eyes aren't blood red anymore, instead they're the darkest brown I've ever seen... My clothing is different as well, I seem to be wearing...jeans, and they aren't the normal blue coloration either, they're closer to a tan in color, and I'm wearing a shirt, this shirt...has a pun on it... it has an image of four foxes with each one being numbered, and right below it is the word, "Sake." Well...I don't seem to have a coat, I don't have any weapons, nor my abilities...wherever I am, it's not good...

I then leave the bathroom after turning off the light, and then enter that bedroom I woke up in, only to see that the room...the room I should have looked better at, it's covered in blood, and the smell...why didn't I notice it before? It smells like death, as if there was a body that sat there for a few months... I have to get out of here, or else something bad is going to happen, I can feel that much. I then walk to the only other door in here and open it, walking through it and into the next room, which seemed to be some strange hallway.

This hallway had words written in blood covering the walls...things about death, and that hope is lost...the world is gone, and finally, something talking about how...there's a deranged killer within this place's walls...that's not a good sign...not at all. I started to run down the halls, the sound my feet make echoing down the hall for seemingly miles... but I know better than that. I eventually make it to the main room, and that's when I realize that this cold stone floor was really just a basement and not some sort of design for this place.

The main room in the basement is full of meat hooks hanging from the ceiling, and some of them had bodies hanging, I couldn't even tell what race they were supposed to be originally either. I'll make sure that the one who did this will pay for what they've done. I see the stairs nearby and walk towards them slowly, knowing that I'm not alone here, there's going to be something waiting for me somewhere... the only question is where they might be. The stairs creaked with every step I took, as if they were reverberating throughout the whole place, might as well sound an air horn with every step at this rate.

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