How About The Forest?

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and as you all can see, we got ourselves a good episode awaiting us today, and I know that it might not be the best thing ever, but hey, this is going to be a rather long series, I also went out and made a map, hence the picture on the top. But besides that, I hope you all enjoy this episode!

Roster of People - David & Jake


"Hey about we go this the forest, you said it was south of here, right?"

Jake:"Yeah, so that means that's where we're going to be headed?"

"Yeah, just wanted to see if that was alright with you."

Jake:"Sure, that sounds good to me." He then gave me a rather warm smile.

"Then lets be off." With that, we headed out of the alleyway and were making towards the south of the city, but of course, we were stopped along the way by some strangely dressed people.

???:"Okay, kiddo... Why are you wearing that many extra tails?"

"I haven't the faintest idea by what you mean."

???2:"Come on, just take them off... It's against the law to have accessories that large, so either take them off or we're going to be arresting you."

"Hey, I don't even know who you are for for two, I ain't even got anything valuable on me... Also...are you talking about my tails?"

???3:"Give the man a prize! Now come on, remove the fake ones and hand them over, otherwise we're going to have to use force."

Jake:"David, that's the Police, don't you know who they are?"

"The...what?" I rubbed my head then, a bit confused on what he meant by that.

???:"He's a foreigner, of course... But still kiddo, you have to remove the fakes and then we'll be on our way." He then made a reach for one of them, which I reacted on instinct by jumping back.

"Hey! Don't touch them... Would you like it if I was going to yank your own tails? Haven't you heard of a Kitsune either?!"

???2:"Good try, foreigner... Everyone knows that Kitsune only have one tail..."

Jake:"'re not...lying, are you?"

"What would I stand to gain by lying?"

???3:"Well, seems he's just going to continue to break the let's get him on the ground." Then I watched all three of these... Police people... take out some batons.

"I guess that might be right then..." So with that, I drew the Frying Pan...and then they started to laugh at me.

???3:"Well, it's clear he's a little crazy... Guess that means he escaped from his home then. Hopefully they won't mind if we bruise him up a little..."

With that, they started to walk towards me as I started to back up until I thought of an idea, so I had my tails draw my knife and hold it with one of them.

???3:"Seems like he has some tricks up his sleeves...and a lethal weapon, should we call for back-up?"

???2:"Yeah, I'll go to the car and radio them." With that, I saw that this second one was starting to move towards this strangely colored car, but they're going to be calling for reinforcements...not good, so I then make a mad dash and front flip over the first two before slamming the other guy in the neck, knocking him out, thankfully. I had another tail pick up a weapon then.

???3:"Holy shit, his tails are actually real?!"

???:"I guess so...but still, he's assaulted a Police Officer, we're going to have to take him down."

So then those two ran towards me and I just waited for their approach, and when they were close enough, I smacked one with a Frying Pan, knocking him out, and the other one with a baton, I took both their weapons and tossed Jack the knife then with it's sheathe.

Jake:"W-what did you just do, David?!"

"What do you mean? These three were going to mug me or even take me hostage...I've spent enough time being someone's plaything..." I then sheathed the Frying Pan onto it's hook, while the three batons I had luckily fit in these strange belt loop things...wonder why they made them so large though. "Well, come on Jake, let's get going." He just slowly nods and thus we continued walking until we reached the forest.

The forest seemed rather dense, like you couldn't walk five feet in and see sunlight thick. I could smell blood out there as well, as if someone or something was just killed, probably being eaten by an animal...hopefully there aren't cannibals, otherwise that's gonna be problematic.

"I smell blood...and I think I hear flesh being torn...possibly... Should we check it out?

Jake:"I don't think that's a good idea...but I'm guessing your still going to go, aren't you?"

"Well...I mean we were going to head to the forest and explore it a little bit, yeah?"

Jake:"Of course we are...well I'll follow you, okay?"

"Sounds good to me, and if we happen to find some money, well I'll buy you a cone with it, alright? Does that sound good?"

Jake:"That sounds great!" He smiled at that, guess that means he really loves ice cream.

So with that, we began our trek through the woods, and the amount of branches covering the place, a lot of bugs starting to fly at us, mosquitoes it seems, well they're in for a terrible blood is...a tad flammable...unless if that was changed as well... But I did start to swat at the gnats and the mosquitoes, but we made our way forward, and we did eventually reach a sort of clearing, and the smell was a lot stronger here as well.

Jake:"I smell something..."

"As do I, as do I...let's keep going though, but be careful. I sense as if there's danger afoot..."

Jake:"You can say that again..." We continue walking until we heard something rushing towards us, whatever could it be? All I know is that we both pulled out or equipment and prepared for what would be coming our way, luckily the bugs stopped buzzing around us as well.


Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and well, as you all can see, there's going to be a possible major point to the story so far, but what it might be will be up to you all! After all, this thing is a story where you can choose where the main party goes or even if someone new is introduced, just send me a DM if you want to add your own character or the like. But besides that, I hoped you all have enjoyed this chapter as this is Kitsune Knight, signing out!

David - Kitsune (9-Tailed)
Jake - Neko

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