Mystical Forrest

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"Spoken Words"
David's POV
I would wake up and see that Chelsea was still out, I'd change her bandages and left a note for her stating that I went out to get some fresh air and that'd I be later, after writing the note, I left the place and headed to the forest where I had met Chelsea

???'s POV
I was sitting in a tree when I saw some Kitsune walk by, I looked at him as he passed by. "Maybe I'll try seducing him? I could get some free stuff or something like that..." I leap out of the tree and land behind him silently, then wrap him a huge hug, earning a shocked yelp from him

David's POV
As soon as arms wrapped around me, I yelped, "Oh God?! Who is this?!" I then heard a chuckle from behind me
"Seems your easy to scare...this may be more fun than I thought it'd be~"
"W-what are you talking about?"
They would then turn me around to look at their face "I mean your going to be fun to play with~"
" about I just leave and we don't see each other again...or start over from the beginning?"
"Hmmmmm...nah!" She would then grab my face and shoved it into her breasts "How they feeling~?"
I would start blushing as she pressed my face against them, I was able to break free of her grip luckily "W-why did y-you do that?!"
"I dunno...cos I felt like it?"
"Y-you don't j-just slam p-people's faces i-into your boo-..."
"Into my what~?"
"I am not going to finish that sentence..."
"Do it~!" She then grabs my face again "Or else you'll get to meet them again~"
" don't slam people's faces into your boobs...happy?"
"Extremely~" She would then pin me to a tree "So big guy...what do you want to do~?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...go home... preferably..."
"Then take me there with you~"
"That ain't happening...sorry to tell you that but no..."
She then glares at me and shoves my face back into her breasts "Just stay there and admire them~"
"I-I don't even know your name!" I could feel my face heating up
"Mine is Sofia Somnia...and your's is~?"
"D-David B-Blight..."
"Cute name for someone so short~"
"C-can you please s-stop?"
"Afraid not~" She then grabs my kimono and undoes it, leaving me in my shorts

Lemon Start!

Sofia's POV
"So...I don't think this one will run away like the last let's see how this turns out~" I would remove my shirt and my skirt, leaving him to look at me with just my underclothes on, I'd give him a lustful stare and he'd make an audible gulp
"P-please don't d-do this..."
"No can do~" I would then have my tail remove his shorts, reveal his everything as I undid my bra and panties
"Now...shall we begin~?

David's POV
After I heard her say that, I knew there wasn't a way out, "Guess this is how it has to be then..."
"Yeah...might as well get it over with."
"About time you caught along with the program~"
She would then push me to the ground and proceeded to plop down on me, I yelped but that only seemed to make her smile "This is good David, I also love your little yelps, they're so nice to hear~"
Before I had a chance to speak back, she then proceeded to kiss me and slipped her tongue into my mouth, her tongue wrapped around mine as she bounced on me
"What have I gotten into? Well maybe it's a one time thing?"
I got my answer when she moaned into my mouth. After she moaned, I felt a rush of fluids surround my little friend and onto my pelvic region, she then proceeded to bounce even more vigourously.
"Yes, this is so amazing~! Now hurry up and cum with me~!"
She then started to bounce faster on me, earning a moan from me
"That. Was. Adorable."
Before I could protest, she then wrapped her tail around my leg pressed her mouth against mine, she slammed into me then and I quickly felt my limit appraoching, she then threw her head back and she moaned out my name, releasing all over me again, I released with her,
"That was great David~! You did wonderful, think I'll stay near you for now on so we can have more fun like this~"
"O-okay...d-do as you w-want...I d-don't mind at all."
She then pet my head as she got off me and put her clothes on, I did the same.

Lemon End

"That's a good where do you live, I want to see your place."
"Well I live in the mountain area to be honest...but I'm staying with a friend currently, her name is-"
"Her name? No that can't be-...Why do you have three tails? Didn't you just have two?"
"I made a deal with the Devil...I learned how to summon a summon and she got to use her newest spell on me..."
"What does that have to do with it?"
"Well it's because that since I have three tails, it means that I've been... doing things with two and one other because I was born with one naturally."
"So what your saying is that you've fucked someone else...right?"
"I mean that's putting it bluntly."
She then clings to my arm "Well I ain't leaving..."
"O-okay...s-so to Rebecca's place w-we go..."
"Awww...I wanted to see your place."
"M-maybe later...I probably have to change Chelsea's bandages again..."
"How many women are with you?"
"O-only Chelsea... I think."
"You think...that's real confidence there..."

Sofia's POV
He would sigh and lead me out of the forest, through some city, and into some house where he then let go of me and went to some other...NEKO?!
"Because I hurt her and I'm taking care of her until she gains consciousness again and can leave...are you jealous of her or something?"
"No...I just wanted to know why said that Chelsea was the one who got to is this Rebecca?"
"No...this is Chelsea."
I looked at her in disbelief, "She's Chelsea?! So I lost to some other that ain't even as bad as that... I'm kinda disappointed."
"Well I hope she leaves soon then..."
"She'll leave whenever she wakes up and is feeling better so don't worry."
I sigh and watch as he changed her bandages before standing back up, I grab him and sit down on a chair
"Why did you grab me?"
"Because I wanted to sit with shush."
He would comply by not speaking as I slowly drift to sleep, I felt him fall asleep before me luckily
"Goodnight David..."

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