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"Spoken Words"
Rebecca's POV
After I ran to his house in a trail of tears, I would start to calm down by reading a book that he had given me
"I'm have to go back and save him...who knows what she'll do to matter what... especially after what she did to Kitana..."
I would start making a plan to save him, and after I finished making it, I started to go over it aloud
"Okay...I first need to find the house...then I need to map out it's surroundings, windows, doors, guards, traps, everything...then from there. I'll start to formulate the plan... let's get this started..." I would take off, trying to follow any trace of them that I found, it eventually lead me to a rather large building
"So she lives here does she...let's get this started then..."
I would then start to take note of all the doors and windows, "Six doors and 57 of which seem to be open...perfect~"
I would then start scaling the building to the the open window and peered in, empty. "This seems almost too easy..." I then search around the floor for any tripwires or anything, nothing came up
"She definitely needs better security or something...not a guard or an alarm...kinda strange especially seeing how large this place is..." I then walk to a hatch that was up here and open it, a ladder shot out to the floor and I climbed down it, then close the hatch after I get down to hide my tracks
"If I was a kidnapper...where would I hide him...the basement...that would be the best bet..." I would then walk around the place until I heard a door open and hide in the kitchen, opening one of the cupboards and hiding inside it, trying to hide my presence
"Now was that so bad David~?"
"I guess not...but I really have to do that? Every night?"
"Yes you do...until I declare our services to be no longer required...and I'll pay you as well for as long as I keep you here...I don't have slaves... only servants."
"What?! What did she do to him?!" I would continue to listen in to their conversation
"Last night was enjoyable, you will be paid handsomely for that~"
"Thank you Chelsea... especially seeing that I have a permanent reminder of what took place..."
"She...she did it... didn't she... she's going... she's going to the after life for that insult!"
"Yeah, and you'll never forget me either, especially with the way you were~"
"I ummmm...would rather not talk about that..."
"Too bad...I loved your little moans, they were absolutely adorable~"
"S-stop it... please don't bring that up...your making me flustered..."
Hearing this broke me, I would cry in a silent rage, "She's dead for laying a finger on him and taking what was rightfully mine!"
"So...our lovely little session makes you all flustered does it? Maybe I should explain it in great detail~?"
"Please don't..."
"I think I will...and you'll be cleaning up the kitchen as I do~"
I heard footsteps walk near me and open the cupboard door where I was, David was staring back at me, he blinked and his eyes widen
"What are you looking at David?"
"N-nothing, just a really greasy pot... I'll clean it right away!" He would stick his head and arm in and arm in to grab a pot and whisper in my ear "Don't let her know your here, I don't want to lose anyone else..."
I would whisper back to him "I won't...but you owe me big time..." I gave him my kiss on the lips and shoved him away with the pot in his hand, luckily he caught himself
"Are you alright David?"
"Yeah, just stumbled is all...kinda feel a bit weak this morning is all..." He would close the cupboard door and walk away, I'd assume to wash the pot that was actually really clean
"Well I'd hope so...I did kinda force you to wake up in a different way~"
" that...what did you do to wake me up?"
"Oh nothing~ Just wash your dishes."
"She...she did it twice with him... didn't she... she's going to wish she's never done that!"

David's POV
"So Rebecca is in the cupboard...and Chelsea is describing last night in full detail...I feel as if this isn't going to end well...not at all..."
I would wake Al the dishes in the he sink rather easily and dry them and put them away, putting the pot in a different cupboard because Chelsea was standing in front of the one Rebecca was in, luckily it seemed like she didn't care
"So David...what would you do if I were to kill your other friend?"
"W-what do you mean? That isn't apart of the deal, you do that and I'm leaving and you can't stop me either..."
"Oh phowey..."
"Why would you bring something like that up?"
"I heard you whispering with her...did you think I wouldn't hear it?"
She would leave the cupboard and hit Chelsea with one of her arms, said arm turning into a hammer mid-swing and hitting get into a wall
R:"No...not without you!"
C:"Seems that the slimy girl wants to play!"
"Stop it, both of you!"
They stop and turn towards me "I won't allow anyone to die both of you chill out...otherwise I'll make you chill out..." I would draw out my greatsword

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