"Hyung" called out Taehyung and went racing down the stairs with excitement.
The members groaned as they heard his excited steps. They all exchanged glances as Taehyung appeared into their view.
"Hyung, Kookie should we all go to the new ice cream store??" he said,"It just opened and it's amazing"
"V hyung can you please quit calling me Kookie, I don't like it" Scowled Jungkook and glared at the older one.
"But I like calling you Kookie" he said and gave his best box smile.
Does he think that he looks good in that smile,thought Hoseok and snorted in his mind.
"Pleaseeeeee" said Taehyung and shook Seokjin slowly to make him get up. Seokjin frowned at him and jerked away his arm.
"Quit it Taehyung, we don't want to go" he shouted,"Just go alone if you want to"
"But-" started Taehyung but he dropped his voice and looked at his shoes.
"Fine" he said and went back to his room.He opened the door to his lonely, empty room and locked the door behind him.
He flopped on the bed and stared blankly at the laptop screen as it glared at him.The website of the ice-cream shop - wonder cream - was opened on the screen. He snorted to himself and shut the laptop a little too aggressively.
"What do they want me to become huh?" He whispered to himself. His hand went to his neck as he heard his own deep voice.
The members say that they don't like his voice cause it's too deep and it irritates them to their limits.
His eyes stung.
He wanted to talk to someone, he glanced around his bed and saw his phone at the far end.
He groaned and dragged his body to the phone and dialled the number.
He closed his eyes as he heard the rings of the phone. The person at the end picked it up .
"Annyeong" he said in a slow voice.
"Annyeong Taehyung, What's up?" The person at the end said in a energetic voice."Areum-" Taehyung voice got caught and tears came down.
"Shhhh it's okay Tae, Calm down" she said and her voive softened like an angel.
"Areum am I that bad" he said between his sobs.
"No Tae you're not" she said and he could hear her smile."Wanna meet up??" she said,"Looks like you are too stressed up"
"Yeah" he said."Where shall we meet?" she said and there was sound of shuffling at the other end.
"Wonder cream" he said.
"Oh that's the new ice cream café right" she said.
"Yeah it is" he said and pulled himself up from the bed with grabbed his jeans and shirt."I'll be there, but payment from your side" Areum said and chuckled. Taehyung couldn't help but laugh himself and said,"Of course pabo"
Taehyung pulled up his jeans and shirt and washed face to erase any evidences of tears. He looked at himself in the mirror and ran his finger on the reflection. He wanted to claw his own skin and get rid of it,he was imperfection and he knew it. All the members said the same thing, not on his face but he knew they did it behind his back.
Taehyung grabbed his wallet and chucked it into his bag pack, he grabbed his earphones and laptop with a extra pair of gloves and went out of his room.
All the members were gathered in the living hall and enjoying themselves. Taehyung drew in a sharp breath and walked steady steps to the entrance door, avoiding any attention. But thank you his stars, Namjoon called him.
He turned around and gave a big smile.
"yes hyung" he said in his cheerful voice.
"where are you up to" he asked in a cold voice.
"I'm just going out for a walk" he said.
Namjoon tried to hid a smile of content but failed. He smiled at the younger one and said,"Sure Taehyung have fun"
Taehyung gave him a smile and walked out of the door. Even through the closed door he could hear the members screaming and cheering. The cold wind cut him through the clothes he was wearing. But Taehyung only sighed with content.
He loved the cold cause he made him feel numb and the numbness just cut all the worries away from him. He pulled the mask up on to hid face and walked to the shop. Even from far away he could see the figure of Areum. She was ruefully rubbing her hands and blowing her warm air into them to prevent frostbite.
"Forgot your gloves again" Taehyung said and Areum's head snapped in his direction. She smiled at him ruefully and said,"Yeah I did"
Taehyung chuckled and gave her the extra pair of glove he had brought.
"You are my Guardian Angel Taehyung" she said, pulling on the gloves on her hands and sighing with pleasure.
"Now can we have the ice-cream" said Taehyung was barely able to pull on a joyful voice.
Areum frowned and patted his arm sympathetically and said,"Are they rough on you again?"
"It's just too much" he said whilst pulling open the door of the ice-cream store. They both entered and ordered their usual flavors they preferred and sat on the tables near the big glass window.
"Taehyung wanna tell me anything" asked Areum as she took a scoop of her chocolate mint ice-cream and watched Taehyung churning the ice-cream with the plastic spoon until it melt off. She knew that he had no mood of eating it, he just wanted someone beside him right now.
He looked up at her and then outside the window and said,"Am I that worthless"
Areum shook her head vigorously and said,"No way TaeTae"
He snorted and looked back at Areum with a hurt expression. Anger inside her boiled to 500 degree Celsius.
"Those disgusting bastards" she mumbled but Taehyung heard it.
"Areum.....", he said in a weak voice,"I'm quitting"

Fallen Stars | A 김태형 Centric | ✓
FanfictionSpeeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars. Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...