Speeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars.
Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...
Jungkook snuggled deep into the blanket and tried to get some sleep. But many thoughts in his mind made it impossible.
The thought that he almost lost his father today. He couldn't stop the fight between his hyungs. His V hyung came for him. And finally the main thought in his mind. Taehyung smelled like lemon and mint.
Jungkook evened out his breaths and Laid still thinking that maybe this way sleep would come quickly.
Then he felt a moment and opened his eyes a crack. Taehyung sat up straight and was drenched with sweat.
He slipped away from the bed and walked out of the room. When Jungkook was sure that Jimin was fast asleep, He followed behind Taehyung.
The older had gone into the kitchen and shuffled into the medicine box until he found pain killer.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at he peeked through the corner at his hyung.
Taehyung gulped down two capsules and a full glass of water. Jungkook could see him shivering badly alone in the cold kitchen.
"Jungkook-ssi" Taehyung breathed out. "Hyung?" Jungkook stepped in his line of vision and caught Taehyung before he could fall.
"Hyung?!" Jungkook whispered yelled. "Jungkook I don't feel so good" Taehyung whimpered and snuggled his head on Jungkook's chest.
"Hyung? Why-Why are you so cold?" Jungkook asked a little worried as he realised that the older one was chilled as if he spend his time sitting in a refrigerator.
"Jungkook" Taehyung whisper was muffled through Jungkook's clothes.
"Hyung?" Jungkook yelled as the other male became completely still in his hold.
Jungkook pulled away and saw the other's face emotionless and still in time.
"Hyung" He yelled and shook Taehyung hard but the older stayed quite.
Tears slipped down Jungkook's cheeks as Taehyung's body began to dissolve into the air.
"HYUNG!! EOMMA !!" He screamed as Taehyung vanished and everything became pitch dark.
"Hyung? Where are you?" Jungkook sobbed as he stood up shakily and looked around.
He waved his hand around to get the support of the kitchen counter but he only felt a endless void.
"HYUNG !!" Jungkook screamed as he walked ahead into the cold void. Sobs escaped his broken body as he couldn't leave the place.
"Jungkook" He heard a voice and he wheeled around. "Tae Hyung" Jungkook sobbed and Taehyung clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"What part of 'Not calling me Tae' you didn't understood" He hissed. His voice was chilly and extraordinarily deep.
"Who are you?" Jungkook asked as he pointed his finger at the figure in front of him.
Taehyung was wearing a pair of black jeans with a black shirt. A glittery coat hung at his upper body.
White mist curled around his feet and mouth as he spoke. His hair were black with eyes endless void of darkness.
"Well didn't I told you" He cooed and seated himself on a black throne and set down his chin on his palm with elbow on the armrest.
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"No you didn't" Jungkook countered. "Well I am V " Sneered V.
"What do you want?" Spat Jungkook. Hot tears flowed down his cheek. "I don't want anything" Laughed V,"I already got what I wanted"
"What do you mean??" Yelled Jungkook. "Keep your voice low" Growled V.
Jungkook trembled with pure anger as he tried to restrain himself from charging at V.
"Well If you are asking" cooed V,"I am the other half of your Taehyung. His cold and wild side. He first incountered me when he was in middle school, Some seniors used to bully him badly you know. But I was there for him-"
"How?" Asked Jungkook as he started feeling cold. "-Well I am his conscience, I whispered into his mind and manipulated his every move and thoughts. I even made him cut himself. Such a kid he is" V laughed as if it was funny while Jungkook balled his fists,"But then-"
V's face darkened and he glared at Jungkook,"You all came along. He started feeling warmth and slowly he took control over me. He completely cut himself off from my hold and got free. His cold heart turned warm"
"And?" Spat Jungkook.
V sighed,"Voice low Jungkook. And to answer your question. I wanted to Thank you"
"Why?" Asked Jungkook completely baffled. "Well" Cooed V barley able to contain his excitement,"When you all started to hate him..Argh I can't even say anything...I am so excited" V giggled,"I am gaining control him again"
"You don't mean that!!" Yelled Jungkook. "Of course I do Jungkook" V snickered,"Can't you see"
Jungkook stilled. V stood up and strode towards the younger. Jungkook hissed with pain as V gripped his face harshly, his nails digging in his smooth skin.
Jungkook looked up to meet the black eyes of V. By black he didn't meant bag his iris were black. His complete eyes were black without any white.
"Watch until I kill him softly" Hissed V,"I am the emperor and I rule him"
Jungkook whimpered as the grip of V on his face hardened and he smirked evily.
"Save him if you can" V hissed and then suddenly there was blindling white flash and Jungkook bolt upright and he head collied hard with something.
"Owww" Howled Taehyung as he rubbed his forehead while glaring at Jungkook.
"Taehyung!!" Jungkook exclaimed and took Taehyung's face in his hands. "What happened" Asked Taehyung as he saw the worry in Jungkook's eyes.
"V..V..V was there" Shuttered Jungkook and started shivering. "Who V?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow and parted Jungkook's hand from his face,"V as in my stage name?"
"He is your conscience" Jungkook whispered as he rocked himself back and forth. He narrated the whole story to the male sitting in front of him.
Taehyung remained silent for a long time and looked outside the window from where the morning light was washing the interior inside.
Finally he drew in a deep breath and said,"Look Jungkook. That was just a nightmare, there-there is n-nothing l-like that"
"You are stuttering hyung" Said Jungkook and looked up to meet the brown orbs of the older,"You always do when you lie"
"N-No I am not s-stuttering" Taehyung spoke and mentally cursed himself. "Hyung you can tell me if it is the truth" Insisted Jungkook as he took the hand of the older in his.
Taehyung avoided the eye contact from the younger and whispered,"You are right Jungkook. V Was someone"