Speeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars.
Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...
All the boys were walking in the souvenir shop in Hawaii. Hoseok put on a straw hat on his head and made weird faces which made Seokjin and Jimin laugh.
Yoongi was examining a bracelet with a silver chain and a guitar charm. It pressed his lips together and checked the price, his eyes went wide at the way too expensive price and he reluctantly kept it back.
Jungkook was trying a Hawaiian shirt and posing in the mirror. "Check out this one" He heard Taehyung said it behind his back.
The older handed him a red shirt with a coconut tree print. "Ohhhh this is good" Jungkook said and went to try it on.
Taehyung was boringly roaming around the place and gazing over anything he found interesting.
"TaeTae" He heard someone behind him. He turned around to look at Jimin who was holding a couple necklace. It was a thin delicate silver chain with a Ying Yang charm.
"Is this nice?" Jimin asked, holding it up.
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"Hmm yes" Taehyung said with a shrug. Jimin smiled widely at the male, his eyes disappearing into crescents.
"Okayyyy" Jimin said excitedly before running to the counter to pay for the thing.
Taehyung looked over at the others and then went to buy a thing he had his eye on.
All the boys paid for their stuff and then went for sightseeing in the place. Taehyung was now regretting the decision of wearing the skinny jeans. His legs felt like sausages and sweat collected at the back of the shirt, soaking it to the colour of transparency.
"Hyung you are hot" Jungkook said. "Oh yes I know" Taehyung scoffed.
"No I mean....uhhh you are ummm sweating" Jungkook said as fanned his hand at the older's face.
"Yahhh stop it" Taehyung said and swat away the hand of the younger. "You will have sun burn at this rate or maybe even a heat stroke" Jungkook said with worry in his tone.
Taehyung snorted but didn't said anything. Jungkook sighed in defeat.
"Hyung..... tomorrow is our last day here" Jungkook said as a cotton ball filled his throat,"Then maybe...You will be your way and we will be ours"
"Yes of course" Taehyung said while giving a nod. "Will you miss us hyung?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung shrugged and said,"Honestly I dunno"
"You don't even know your own feelings hyung!?" Jungkook said, his voice slightly annoyed.
"Not my fault that you guys made me and my feeling conflicting in every damn perspective" Taehyung said in a low voice. Nothing evident in his voice, no anger, no hurt. Just a clear cut statement.
"Right" was all Jungkook had said.
The boys didn't talked much for the whole day, just going around the places to see everything. Tomorrow was their last day, and maybe it didn't count either. The flight was at twelve in afternoon.
They won't find anytime to visit any place or do anything. Today, today was the day they could make the best of it.
Time, it was slipping out of their hands like sand. The more they tried to hold it back, the more it slipped away. The desperation were high, all they wanted was deep voice to fill their dorm again. His presence to be their when they sit at the dinning table for meals. For his steps to work with them in a smooth and flawless rhythm when they do their practice for the next comeback.
But it won't happen. Taehyung's hole will always remain there, no matter what they do to fill it up. It will never be enough. No matter how many jokes they crack everyday. No matter how much they would keep themselves busy.
At the end of the day, when they'll drop on their beds. When everything is dead silent. Their thoughts would come rushing back to them like a endless trance.
All their mistakes would come weighing down on their chest and would stay there. Their minds would be filled with infinite 'what ifs' and 'just maybe'.
But what good would they do. The male they had broken was right in front of them but yet miles apart. He had entrusted them with all his feelings and thoughts. Just with the hope that maybe they will take care of him.
But they had broken him into so many pieces and fragments that he himself couldn't gather them back. They had broken the trust and it was beyond repair.
Taehyung opened the house door and everyone went inside. Everyone was in their own world. Thinking and mourning over everything they ever did.
Taehyung sat on the couch and watched as all the members slowly made their ways to their bedrooms. The house feel silent and many thoughts came rushing into his mind.
Taehyung felt his heart go heavy with many raw emotions. Emotions that were clawing and begging to be released.
Taehyung closed his eyes and curled into a right ball. How many times had he been in the same position at night in his room.
Scared and hurt.
How many night had he spent tending his wounds. Taehyung didn't had the answer.
At those times, all Taehyung wanted was a hug and pat on the shoulder. A chest to cry on and someone to hear his sorrow.
He had no one then. Did any of the boys came to him ? Did anyone of them ever came to his room and asked if he was okay ? Did anyone of them hugged him when he screamed in his nightmares ? Did anyone of them ever asked if he ate or not ? If he was hurt or not ? If he was crying or not ? If he...If he wanted them or not ?
If even one of them would have been there, Taehyung would never in a million have left the band. But no, none of them ever came to him...
And now, now when he was gathering up all his broken fragments. Every fragment that he had lost in the endless void of dark.
And now, they were here. All of them, just being there showing their affection. Showing that they cared.
Taehyung didn't wanted it. He wanted them either completely gone from his life or completely with him. But here he was, hanging in the middle with boys neither completely gone nor with him.
He wanted them to scream and yell at him. Say that they hate him and wanted him gone.
He just didn't wanted to hang between both the conflicting feelings. His heart was aching for them again. Wanting to be there in their warmth.
But his brain was working otherwise, pushing him to stay away from them.
From the outside Taehyung may seem in one piece. But in his insides were torn, on a constant war. Each side wanting to dominate the other.
His hormones on a battle to win. All of it made Taehyung confused. He himself wasn't able to know what he truly wanted.
If his heart said that he should go back, his brain conflicted saying that they might hurt him again.
What was happening ? Taehyung had no idea. No idea what he truly wanted.
Deep in his void of thoughts the male slowly slipped into a sleep.
A/N Heyyyyy guys !! So basically this chapter was about how the boys and Taehyung feel about the situation. I couldn't find any other thing to do with Hawaii...so I am ending this trip here. Now that the boys and Taehyung would be on their own ways, Do you think that Bangtan would ever be able to win him back or would they always stay like this. With Tae's presence remaining empty....