Speeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars.
Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...
I fidgetted in my seat at the cafe and looked around like a nervous cat. I picked up the coffee mug with shaky hands and gulped down my third Expresso.
"Calm down Hyung" said Namjoom who sat across me with a tense expression. "I am sure I will lose my mind soon. But calming down in nowhere near" I said and looked at the door again.
A Figure of a young and beautiful girl entered. She looked around and scanned the cafe until her eyes fell on us.
She walked over and dragged the chair from under the table and sat down.
"Sorry I'm late" she said in a slow and careful voice,"I had to get off hook from my work, and my manager is not that lineant"
"We understand" said Namjoon,"Would you like a cup of coffee" "Latte" she said and Namjoon got up to make the order.
I just stared at her without saying a word. Voice had left my Lyrnx and my tongue was paralized.
Namjoon came back again carrying a mug of coffee and handed it over to Areum.
She took it with careful hands and kept it on the table and stared at it with a wistful expression.
"Taehyung loved Latte" She said and then her voice got caught but she coughed to cover it.
"Did he?" I asked,"But he never told me to make it for him when I used to make coffee for others" "That would have been useless, you would have just chucked him away with a insult or two" she said and sipped the coffee.
"Sorry" I said and my eyes warmed up. "Anyways" She said,"I was here to say something else"
"What?" asked Namjoon anxiously. "Taehyung suffered a deep brain damage in the accident, it affected his Frontal lobe" she reeled the line.
"He is not in coma right" I asked. "Worse" she said. "What do you mean" I asked.
"The Kim TaeTae you knew is dead" she said and kept the mug down. "NO" I shouted and stood up.
The whole cafe turned to look at us. "Yes" she said and turned to Namjoon,"He is not what he was before. And your friend knows it that is why he sent you both here. I want to tell you this before hand but you all went there already. So, It is better if you brace yourself for the worse that is yet to come"
With that she got up and left the cafe. Leaving me and Namjoon in silence and a whole cafe looking at us with wide eyes and open mouths.
My eyes flinted to the cup latte on the table. She didn't took a sip at all. She acted it.
I hysteric laugh escaped my lips as I thought that he did loved Latte.
I wanted to wake up from the nightmare but the drug kept pushing me back to it.
I stood in a dark tunnel which was lit by nothing but just a few lights which flickered on and off.
I walked in the tunnel with unsteady steps. It came to an aprupt end. I touched the glass wall and cleared away the fog which was condensed on it.
I stared through it and saw myself. My old self.
He was the Taehyung when Bangtan gave their debut. He walked over the glass with a smile.
He said something which didn't came through the glass wall. I shook my head and he frowned but the smile reappeared.
He traced his long slender finger on the foggy glass and wrote slowly as if he was afraid to spell it wrong.
I backed away to read. I'm fine. That's what was written on it.
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But When I looked closely I read something else. Save me.
I ran back to the glass wall and pounded my fists on the glass. "TAEHYUNG" I shouted my own name.
The old Taehyung looked at me with a pained smile and touched the glass with his hand. I aligned my own hand on his and looked into his eyes.
He gave me his Box smile and then the tunnel closed on me, engulping me with it.
Me and Jimin ran without stopping into the bighit Building. A staff member tried to stop us from entering but after realising who we were she let us go.
My legs were burning and my breaths were ragged. Waiting for the elevator was no option, we took the stairs and made our was to Bang Pd office.
I saw his Assistant exit his office. He looked up at me to meet my eyes. "Hello there" he said with a big smile,"What brought you here"
"Pd-nim hyung" I breathed out,"Where is he?" "He went back home" he said,"Just a few minutes ago"
My heart sank to my knees. I heard Jimin hiccup and lean against the wall for support.
"What happened" asked The assistant with a frown. "We want to know if he signed a resign letter today" I said. "Well I donno" he said,"Sir did signed some paper though"
"Can we see them" Asked Jimin. "Well some of them are classified" He hesitated. "Please" begged Jimin. "Damn it" I cursed and pushed James aside and went inside the office.
I picked the nearest file and started searching for the letter in it. "HEY STOP IT" Shouted James but Jimin grabbed his mouth and brought him inside the office. Closing and locking the door.
It was funny to see the size difference but Jimin was doing the work of holding James back just fine.
I desperately grabbed the other file and scanned throughout the papers but the odds were clearly not in my favour.
"Did you found it?" shouted Jimin over the protesting James. "No" I moaned.
I grabbed the other file with a tingling sensation in my hand and brought out all the papers and searched.
My knees buckled and a fell on the chair. "WHAT??!!" Screamed Jimin.
But when I spoke my words were barely a whispere.
"The letter is not here"
Hey coconuts
Thank you soooo much for your support you all. I am seriously crying right now 😭😭 Thanks for giving your precious time to this lame book.
So Today's shout out :-
@audball240 ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😍😍
Thank you so much for voting girl ❤️❤️😍😘
@bucees4life ❤️❤️❤️😘😍😘❤️
Thank you for adding the book in your reading list ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘