"Pdnim hyung please don't take rash decisions" Said Namjoon desperately.
"What you mean by that?! He yelled,"Taehyung was ruining everything!"
"Hyung he is just trouble right now" Seokjin pleaded,"Please don't do this"
"Hyung look, Taehyung doesn't means any of it" Jungkook said,"He just does that when he is cranky"
"Please hyung" Said Jimin.
"Yes hyung don't do this" Yoongi said.
"Hyung Taehyung is just having trouble with life right now. He wants some time" Hoseok said and tried to calm down the angry male in front of him.
"Boys...I have given enough chances" Pdnim said.
Talking about pdnim and Taehyung, their relationship has always been turbulent after the accident.
Taehyung had kinda started resenting the CEO when he refuses to sign his resign letter.
And Pdnim was angry from the sudden disrespect from the younger.
"And what about the chances he gave us?" Hoseok shot,"He never gave up on us then why do we have to do this"
"He is leaving and that is final" Pdnim said,"I don't want the whole band ruined"
"HYUNG STOP IT!!" Finally Yoongi got up from his seat and scowled,"HE IS NOT JUST A MEMBER. HE IS OUR FAMILY"
Yoongi stromed out of the room in the search of the younger. Yoongi wandered around until he came across a staff member.
"Excuse me Miss...Have you seem Taehyung around here??" Yoongi asked.
The girl thought for a moment and said,"Yeah I guess I saw him entering the store room at the top floor"
"Okay...Thanks" Yoongi said and walked to where she told. After searching around a bit, Yoongi came across the room.
He slowly pushed open the door and went inside the store room. He was greeted by tons of cardboard boxes.
His eyes wandered around the big room until they fell on the couch at the corner of the room.
Taehyung was laying prone on the couch, with arm dangling down and back raising up and down in a rhythmic way.
Yoongi walked up to the younger. He was careful not to wake up the boy but his foot knocked off a cardboard and a loud thud went piercing through the silent air.
Taehyung groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He took the support of his elbow to get up.
He locked his eyes with that of Yoongi and said,"What happened"
"Oh nothing" Yoongi said,"I was here to check on you but woke you up...Sorry""Oh no it's okay" Taehyung mumbled and sat up straight on the couch and yawned.
"Taehyung..I guess you are tired, Let's go home now" Yoongi said and gave his hand to help up the younger.
Taehyung surprisingly took it and heavied up from the couch.
"Hey Taehyung.." Said Yoongi,"Remember when we both went out for a drink together"Taehyung nodded and said,"Yeah..It was kinda fun though"
"Really?!" Yoongi exclaimed, not expected the answer."Yeah it was" Taehyung admitted,"Atleast you didn't gave me look of pity and sorrow"
"Oh" Was all Yoongi could say.

Fallen Stars | A 김태형 Centric | ✓
FanficSpeeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars. Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...