I listened to hyung as he quickly spoke into the phone.
"Yeah...How is he...Yeah I get it...What do you mean by that...I am not that heartless hyung!....Where are you all?..What already...Urgh Fine.." He hung up with a frown lacing his beautiful features.
"What is it hyung?" I asked meekly, trying not to offend him in anyway.
"It's something I can't tell you Jihoon" He replied,"But can you take me to the nearest train station""Yes sure" I said and got up. We went to my car parked infront of the salon and drove out.
Taehyung was speed texting to Areum Noona and looked hella annoyed yet worried.
"Hyung where are you going?" I asked as I drove my way to the station.
"Busan" Taehyung breathed out. He was now on Google checking the train timings."The next train is on twenty minutes" He said anxiously,"Will we be able to get there on time"
"Yes hyung don't worry" I assured him,"We are almost there"I would be lying if I say that I was not crestfallen. I was being selfish and I knew it but who would let go of the person they wanted to meet for so long.
"We are here" I said and before I could say anything else Taehyung dashed out of the car and went to take a ticket of the train.
I followed behind him as the train started pulling into the station. I drew in a sharp breath as Taehyung made his way to the the train.
"Bye Jihoon" He waved as the train halted completely. I waved back slowly.
Taehyung turned around and stopped suddenly. Then he turned around and ran to me.
Before I knew I pulled me into his warm embrace. I was startled at first but then I hugged him back.
"I still owe you a coffee Jihoon" He whispered and then pulled back with a warm smile playing on his lips.
"Sure hyung" I giggled as he waved and stepped inside the train before he doors could close.
I watched until the train had disappeared back into the tunnel. I was left alone in the station.
I smiled to myself and then walked back to my work.
I was running into the hospital pursued by my hyungs. My heart was beating like I came back from a marathon.
I collied into the reception desk causing the lady to yelp.
"Mr.Jeon" I shouted,"Where is he?""Kook calm down" Hussed Namjoon as he pulled me away before I could do something which would have me thrown out of the hospital.
"Excuse me Miss" Said Seokjin,"We apologize about his behaviour he is kinda disoriented"
"I understand" Said the lady,"Mr.Jeon is fine and is in the ICU for the next two hours, You will find his wife in the hospital lobby""Thank you miss" Said Seokjin and told the boys the whereabouts of Jungkook's mother and they all followed him.
3RD PERSON POVAs promised the guys found Jungkook's mother in the lobby. She was sitting with her head him low and a handkerchief clutched in her soft hands. Even from far away Jungkook could make out the tears lacing his mother's eyelashes like jewels.
"Mom" Whispered Jungkook as he settled down beside her. Eunsuh heard her son's voice and a wave emotions hit her like a bulldozer.
She slowly lifted her bloodshot eyes to meet that of his own son. Jungkook gulped when he saw all the years of tension suddenly making appearance on his mother's features.
"Jungkook" His mother whispered in her ragged voice,"Jungkook your dad.."
She burst into tears as her son embraced her into his muscular arms."Everything in okay mom" He consoled her as Jungkook tried to hold back his own tears.
All the boys remained silent and let the family of two gather themselves for sometime.
Jimin who was standing behind all the other members sighed through his nose when he thought that how Taehyung's parents would feel about the accident they never knew their son had.
"How did it happened eomma" Asked Jungkook after his mother was calm enough.
"He was coming home from his nightshift" she whispered as if she was afraid to raise her voice,"He probably fell asleep""Where is hyung?" Jungkook asked.
"Your brother is in America right now" she said.
"Okay" Nodded Jungkook."Mrs.Jeon" Namjoon said finally,"You should go back home and rest"
"Thank you Namjoon dear" Eunsuh said,"I am fine""It doesn't looks like Mam" a deep voice, voiced the very thought in the other members mind.
"Taehyung?" Said Jungkook as Taehyung stepped in the line of vision.
The other members gasped at his sudden change of appearance.
"What ?!" Spat Taehyung,"Haven't seen a guy with red hair in your life""What are you doing here" Asked Hoseok.
"I am here to pay my condolences" Taehyung gave a insoucaint shrug.Jungkook felt a sense of relief to see his hyung but yet he had a hint of anger churing in himself.
Eunsuh felt her son trembling either from anger or sadness, she couldn't tell but when her eyes fell on the other members. Her gut told her that things are not well between the members and Taehyung for some reasons.
Whenever Seokjin looked at Taehyung his left eye twitched.
"Well Mrs.Jeon" Said Taehyung, ignoring the other,"Shall I give you a ride home?""I don't want to bother you Taehyung" Eunsuh admitted.
"Well if I felt bothered" Taehyung answered,"I wouldn't have came all the way from Seoul to Busan"Eunsuh couldn't help but smile weakly at the aloofness in the kid.
"Fine Taehyung" She finally said,"I guess you are not taking 'no' for an answer""Bingo" Said Taehyung and took the car keys from Eunsuh and left to bring the car.
"Boys you should come as well" She said with pain in her eyes.
"No mom" Jungkook said,"I want to meet dad""Sure Son" Eunsuh said while getting up on her shaky legs,"Take care sweetheart"
She placed a kiss on her Son's forehead and passed a affectionate smile at the members and left the building.
Her car was waiting for her infront of the hospital entrance. Eunsuh got in and sat on the passenger seat.
Taehyung didn't spared her a glance and hit the gas padel. After a long time of silence Eunsuh spoke.
"Is everything okay between you and the others Taehyung" She asked. Taehyung visibly stiffened at the words but then he relaxed himself and said,"It is nothing that can't wait until you are well rested Mrs.Jeon"
"Okay Taehyung as you wish" She said.
Taehyung hesitated for a moment and then blurted out.
"I may act cold Mrs.Jeon" He admitted,"But I am always there for you son"
Eunsuh couldn't help but smile at the boy as she said,"Taehyung I know my Jungkook is with the right person"

Fallen Stars | A 김태형 Centric | ✓
FanfictionSpeeding cars, broken hearts and fallen stars. Being hurt is the worst sort of emotion, and nothing is worse than being sent into the same place again and again, pushing yourself to the point where you break. And sadly, Kim Taehyung didn't know thi...